英语人>网络例句>与...离婚 相关的搜索结果


与 与...离婚 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RENEE ZELLWEGER, 36The Oscar winner, whose surprise marriage to Kenny Chesney ended after three months, could use a little luck in love.


The study on child bride,marriage contract,betrothal money and the right of divorce in the Old Babylonian period indicates that the study on the marital customs requires that the concerned clauses of Hammurabi Laws and marital documents complement and verify each ...


Whether they cohabit or marry, women who have had sexual relationships with men other than their future husbands are more likely to eventually divorce.


Since those of us who do marry have a chance of getting divorced, and those who cohabit have even more fragile relationships, many of us will have to get over people we might once have hoped to grow old with.


First, her refusal to attend church almost threatened permanently to separate her from her family, and then, her dramatical departure from the social convention by her common-law marriage with George Henry Lewes, the unhappily married critic and publicist who could not divorce his wife, resulted in their 25 years of alienation from the respectable society.

首先,她拒绝出席教堂几乎吓她从家里永久分离,然后她顺畅偏离社会公约由她普通法婚姻与乔治亨利刘易斯、不幸的婚姻评论家和政论不堪离婚妻子 25年造成的隔阂来自社会尊敬。

The defendant (especially in a divorce proceeding who is accused of adultery with the corespondent).


Bennett said: On the petition for divorce presented by Miss Heather Mills, I pronounce the decree nisi of divorce on the grounds of two years' separation.


And make certain that he divides the investments with you in advance so that he can't divest you when you divorce him!


I am so happy to divorce with you.


I hate him and I wanted to get a divorce.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
