英语人>网络例句>不远的距离 相关的搜索结果


与 不远的距离 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From Nanjing she was taken together with other Korean women to Lashio, Myanmar, not far from the Chinese border.There she was put in a comfort station called "Itgakuro" and was forced to provide sex to Japs again, going with the Japanese name of Wakaharu.


The Swiss maestro is at home near Basle nursing a tired body and shattered ego and wondering if he has it within him to muster the life-force to defeat the youthful conquistador who has done him over in their past three grand-slam tournament finals.


Even though I am standing in front of you, I feel distant because you don't know I love you.


In the Calais-area, not far from Dunkirk, we attacked Oscapell - the British HQ.


The world's farthest distance, you are in her eyes, and she did not feel your presence.


The Mary Sears and other vessels were scanning for further debris Thursday at a location near the initial find in the water off Parepare, about 100 kilometers, or 60 miles, north of Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi Province.

Mary Sears和其他船只正在距离发现最初残骸的Parepare镇不远的海域搜寻更多残骸。该镇位于南Sulawesi省省会Makassar北部。

But using one's indifferent heart to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you


I finished my school and decided to go to the university...now i understand that university is not useful and this is just spending my money not more...before i entered the university i lived with all my family:mother,father,me and sister...even in another flat,separate to our lived my grandfather and grandmother...then granpa died...i was going to 5-th class at school...when i entered the university i moved to another city and now lived alone...sometimes i visit them...now i'm going to a distance learning at my university and will travel and work...my work is connected with internet technologies,so i can work all over the worldin every country which i want...now i'm earning good money,even more than all my parents and feel not happy...because,Pic Top,i'm alone...this is really bad feelling...who is nanna?

我完成高中之后决定上大学。。。现在我明白了其实大学并不是那么的有用,对我来说除了花钱没有别的了。。在我进入大学之前,我一直与我整个家庭住在一起:我的父母和姐姐。。。甚至不远的另一间公寓里还住着我的爷爷奶奶。。之后爷爷去世了。。我当时在学校里即将要上第五节课。。有时我会看望他们。。而现在我在离家有一些距离的大学校园里读书,并且还要去旅游和工作。。我的工作与互联网技术有关。这使我能够走访全世界去工作,到每一个我想要去的国度。。现在我的收入不菲,甚至比我父母赚的加起来还要多,但我感觉不到快乐。。。因为。。Pic Top,我很孤独。。这种感觉糟糕透了。。谁是nanna奶奶)?

And in Hangzhou, a boom town near Shanghai, they even switched off the traffic lights for a while, creating havoc on the roads.


Park at the distance near the mouth of the Palestinian shihe area, there is a time colonists imprisoned rizal ancient castle, that is Fort Santiago.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
