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Medical colleges were instructed that if they wished to benefit from the Rockefeller largesse they had better convince 500 million Chinese to throw into the ashcan the safe and useful but inexpensive herbal remedies of their barefoot doctors, which had withstood the test of centuries, in favor of the expensive carcinogenic and teratogenic "miracle" drugs Made in USA, which had to be replaced constantly with new ones, when the fatal side-effects could no longer be concealed; and if they couldn't "demonstrate" through large-scale animal experiments the effectiveness of their ancient acupuncture, this could not be recognized as having any "scientific value".


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1 As equal members of society, lesbians and gay men should be described in terms that do not trivialise or demean them, do not encourage discrimination or distorted images of their lives, do not sensationalise their activities, or imply illegality.

3.3.1 女同性恋者和男同性恋者与社会上其他成员一样享有平等,在描述这些人时,应该使用不轻视或贬低同性恋者的词汇;用语不应巩固歧视或强化被歪曲的同性恋者生活形象;不应刻意渲染同性恋者的活动,或者暗示其非法性。

Fire, ltng, mag, cold, pois, life, mana, stam (Stamina-steal), stun (note,"stun damage" is ignored, stun uses only duration), rand (either lightning, fire, cold or poison – picked at every successful hit), burn Burning damage, bugged, gives no EXP from kills, otherwise works like poison, you need to have low HitShift to make it work properly!

EType –元素伤害类型,火,电,魔法,冰,毒,吸血,吸魔,吸耐力,打晕(注意,&打晕伤害&被忽略,打晕只是一个持续时间,rand任一电、火、冰或者毒-每一个成功的击中),燃烧(燃烧伤害,臭虫,不能从被杀者中得到经验,象毒,你需要设置低HitShift让它工作正常)冰冻(冰冻,有自己方式,比如冰伤害,你需要使用特殊的服务端伤害函数让怪物变成冰块

The wood is strongly resistant to rot, is not eaten by termites, and is easily worked; it is used in constructing buildings, bridges, ships, and lamp posts, in furniture manufacture, and for wood fiber.


After law French went out of official use in the courts,the shortened form cul. prit was misinterpreted as a term of address used by the clerk to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony and pleading "not guilty."

在诺曼人的法律法语不限于在法庭中使用后,其缩略形式 cul.prit 被错误地理解为一种称呼,书记员用它来称呼被控犯有判国罪或重罪但又申辩&无罪&的犯人。

When the IAU's value for k is used to calculate these times, they must be corrected to accommodate low valleys or high mountains along the Moon's limb. The calculation of these corrections is not trivial, but is necessary, especially if one plans to observe near the path limits (Herald 1983). For observers near the central line of a total eclipse, the limb corrections can be more closely approximated by using a smaller value of k, which accounts for the valleys along the profile.

当IAU的K值被用来计算这些时刻,他们必须纠正并使其符合月球边缘的低谷和高山,这种修正并不是不重要的,相反是很必要的,特别是计划观察靠近极限路径时(Herald 1983),对于靠近全食中心线的观测者来说,在使用更小K值的情况下,边缘修正会被更准确地近似,这个K值代表山谷沿着轮廓。

The increasing reliance on the interval of the third as a consonance is one of the most pronounced features of early Renaissance European art music( in the Middle Ages, third had been considered dissonances), in use since the 12th century, became increasingly elaborate with highly independent voices throughout the 14th century: the beginning of the 15th century showed simplification, with the voices often striving for smoothness.


To avoid this ambiguity, it has been proposed to remove the physical rarity of the target stimuli by using as sensory input a series of equiprobable first names among which is included the subject's own name.

为了要避免这一个不明确,当知觉的被输入的一系列的 equiprobable 在哪一个被包括主题的自己名字之中最初命名的时候,它已经提议除去目标 stimuli 的实际稀奇的事使用研究对象自己的名字

Even if a theory of medicine or physical philosophy be put forth in a metrical form, it is usual to describe the writer in this way; Homer and Empedocles, however, have really nothing in common apart from their metre; so that, if the one is to be called a poet, the other should be termed a physicist rather than a poet.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
