英语人>网络例句>不被使用 相关的搜索结果


与 不被使用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Note: 1. IN ZPXK2 CCN, the stiffener and its adhesive may OR may not be evaluated, if the combination is not evaluated, we will not list them in the UL File, and System Component Symbol and Size Class Number are required to mark on the board to alert the users that are some unevaluated materials


You do NOT have permission to use this mod, or any pieces of it, that are of my creation. This means the actual scripting/AI engine. This new AI engine for Valeria and Illi is going to remain unique and not be competing against Revived , Redone, or Re-heated versions of themselves, nor will it be made into some generic partner mod.

你不需要经过我的同意来使用这个MOD或关於这个MOD的任何部分,因为这些都是我个人的原创,关於GGC Valeria和Illi的AI引擎都是独立的,而不是用来和Revived、Redone、或者任何其他自行修改版本相比或竞争,而这套系统也不会被用来制作为一些「普通」的同伴MOD。

Contributions to a better understanding of usable security include the set of characteristics proposed by Whitten and Tygar (1999) of the usability problem for security, including the weakest link property, the unmotivated user property, and the barn door property.

对可使用安全的较好理解的贡献包括对于安全被可用性问题的 Whitten 和 Tygar(1999)计划的特性组,包括最弱的联编财产,被不给与动机的使用者财产,和谷仓门财产。

Cows for slaughter however will not be ensouled by Buffalo or any other species, and humans in due course will find those cows designated for such consumption will become increasingly diseased over time and die.


And one of the most obnoxious troubles of the past centuries is faced when the council begs bishops to be moderate in the use of excommunication,"for experience teaches that if this penalty is inflicted rashly, and for slight offences, it provokes contempt, not fear, and works harm to the offender rather than good"--excommunication being, in the mind of the Church, not a vindictive act but medicinal, something done to bring a man to his senses.


Life as a Chelsea fan before Roman Abramovich was not very rosy but at least bearable and even though we were considered as flashy, southern softies, with largely old and overpaid European players at the end of their careers looking for a pension fund; we were not hated with such vehemence and vigour.


Life as a Chelsea fan before Roman Abramovich was not very rosy but at least bearable and even though we were considered as flashy, southern softies, with largely old and overpaid European players at the end of their careers looking for a pension fund; we were not hated with such vehemence and vigour.


Life as a Chelsea fan before Roman Abramovich was not very rosy but at least bearable and even though we were considered as flashy, southern softies, with largely old and overpaid European players at the end of their careers looking for a pension fund; we were not hated with such vehemence and vigour.7 h% p, H- s2 V$ F, \9 t

o2 q; Z; i l6 o# f 阿布来之前的日子对于切尔西的球迷来说也不是一段甜蜜的时光,但那是可以忍受的。尽管我们被认为是来自南边浮夸的傻子,总是使用一些昂贵而过气了的欧洲球员,至少我们没有像今天这样被如此激烈的抨击。

Against the $6000 Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD player—using only CDs, of course—and again with levels matched at 1kHz, the No.390S's soundstage was actually a little deeper than that of the tubed player, but its presence region was a little more forward, its midrange very slightly less rich-sounding.

相对于 $6000 音乐的忠诚三街景的 SACD 使用运动员的只有激光唱碟,当然-而且再一次以以 1 仟赫被相配的水平, No.390S's 的 soundstage 是比被装入桶的运动员实际上稍微深,但是它的出现区域稍微更向前,非常些微比较不富有的它中间范围-探通术。

Just as we pack files using Winzip or Winrar we can pack executables to protect them and conserve space. You can't open a zip file without a program to unpack it. The same is true for packed executables; except the program that unpacks it is part of the executable.

就像我们使用 Winzip 或 Winrar 来压缩文件一样,我们也能压缩可执行文件以保护它或是减少代码间隙,你不可能打开一个没有被程序解压的 zip 文件,这同样也适用于被压缩过的可执行程序。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
