英语人>网络例句>不被使用 相关的搜索结果


与 不被使用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If any person B, in any imaginable situation at any time t', were warranted in believing that at an earlier time t some specified person A sincerely made the statement "My present afterimage is red," and also that A did not immediately revoke or otherwise discredit it, then B would not be warranted at t' in believing that at t A had an afterimage that was not red.

这里排除A所可能发生的"使用和表达错误",A确实有红色的余象( afterimage :视觉刺激结束后持续的图像);而且这里不仅要表明B没有证据表明A的陈述是错的,而且之所以如此是因为A的陈述意味着被描述为红的是余象而非其他,不是一个反思,不是一个玻璃杯上的红点,不是墙上的红斑。B不能矫正的不是A的陈述,而是A的余象。

Twinkle twinkle can't you see need you need you but let you go somebody said to me that life is a mysiery and that you never know what's out there awaiting for you everything is meant to happen, to write a story of life even when you are so alone even when you are so afraid with this loneliness you'll be alright 'cuz it will lead your way come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the belter tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers twinkle twinkle can't you see need you need but let you go the future's in your hands and heres the map showing the way to find yourself again, a part of you we never knew tell yourself it'll be alright to give up and swallow your pride believe in yourself don't be afraid all your worries will go away because you will fight to win your life with strength to carry on come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the better tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers suddenly the sadness took my soul away like a rain on perfect day but let me go and live my life come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands play your own life like you're a movie star come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the better tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers and we walk out the door.

闪耀闪耀你不能看见需要你需要你但是让你去有人向我说生活是一mysiery 和你从不知道所的什么无法使用那里为了你等待每件事被意味着发生,写生活的一个故事甚至当你是如此孤独的甚至当你这孤独的如此害怕你将是alright'cuz它将领导你的方式在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的地带的门明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者闪耀闪耀你不能看见需要你需要但是让你去未来你的手同时,继承人显示方式的地图再一次为了找到你自己,一部分你我们从不知道告诉你自己它将是alright 为了放弃并且吞咽你的骄傲相信你自己不害怕所有你的担心将离开因为你将战斗赢得你的生活具有力量继续在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的门更好明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者悲哀突然地拿我的灵魂像一场雨一样完美天但是,让我去并且过着我的生活在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的门更好明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者同时,我们出去door。

Overpower has been deemed overpowered, and will now be called Underpower, will damage you instead of your target, and will automatically be used upon your target dodging.


To want to make up this kind of congenital blemish viable way can carry on directly transporting nourishment, namely, impassability over the function conversion of digestive system, impassability lead the blood deliver, but directly make the organization of an outside dew absorbed nourishment, this is outside called a body and transport nourishment on the medical science, good news BE, can carry on the product that this kind of nourishment outside the body transports have already developed success, gum's atrophying is not"incurable sickness" any more and want ~only tooth slot the bone have no quilt complete absorb, all theoretically can pass a gum rebirth, afresh firm loose dynamic tooth, use effect and widespreadly respond good.


No, Pb is not banned in all Electronics Products, because they are exempted!

不, 铅不是被禁使用於所有电子产品,因为他们是被豁免的!

In 1972 the techniques - hooding, stress positions, constant noise, sleep deprivation and being starved of food and water - were banned by the Heath government which said they would never be used again.


The water produced in the reactions did not need to be removed during the reaction because BF4 was miscible with water while the acetals or ketals were immiscible with BF4. Hence the product could be separated conveniently bydecanting.


But to those whose life is spent, to use Newton's noble words, in picking up here a pebble and there a pebble on the shores of the great ocean of truth ——who watch, day by day, the slow but sure advance of that mighty tide, bearing on its bosom the thousand treasures wherewith man ennobles and beautifies his life——it would be laughable, if it were not so sad, to see the little Canutes of the hour enthroned in solemn state, bidding that great wave to stay, and threatening to check its beneficent progress. The wave rises and they fly; but, unlike the brave old Dane, they learn no lesson of humility; the throne is pitched at what seems a safe distance, and the folly is repeated.· Surely it is the duty of the public to discourage anything of this kind, to discredit these foolish meddlers who think they do the Almighty a service by preventing a thorough study of His works.

但是向那些谁的生活存在花费向使用Newton's贵族 words在朝派凿向上的移动这里a卵石和那里a卵石右手击球员的左后方场地海岸的大人物海洋的事实——who注意日复一日地减慢但是有把握前进的那个非常顺潮水漂浮承受得了右手击球员的左后方场地它的前胸千宝藏用其男人使尊贵和变得美他的life——it是希望是可笑条件,它是如此不是凄惨向,主教的职位很少,Canutes,的使小时登基,在朝派神圣状态,命令,那个,大人物,波,向,逗留和就要到来,向,检查,它的行善的进展波上升和他们乘飞机;但是不像勇敢老丹麦人,他们了解没有课的谦逊;王位被在什么一安全距离和愚蠢存在被重复看来好像投·肯定使一点儿这种类泄气败坏这些愚蠢管闲事者,其认为他们做阻碍一完全的研究他的工厂全能的一服务在附近的的声誉是公众的责任。

level variables are not given default values and if you attempt to use one before it has been initialised it will cause the Error Variable i may not have been initialized

在类的方法一级的变量是不会被赋初值的,如果你在变量被初始化前使用它,将会得到一个错误:变量 i 可能未被初始化。

The reason we moved to NFNA was because in Chinese server, there were macro players in the beginning and most of them didn't get banned at all, some of them even got unbanned, then more player start to use the macro because they think that they MAY NOT get banned as well or MAYBE, they can get remit by the mod if they got a reason such as their computer got virus or their account got hacked.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
