英语人>网络例句>不自在 相关的搜索结果


与 不自在 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods - but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless- often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of wxdyes, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, hexdyy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods - but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless- often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


Dainty abandon, sometimes as if nature laughing on a hillside in the SUN shine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as nature herself is in certain moods --but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless --often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods --but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless-often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


I was carried away, seeing, absorbing many wonders. Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges,angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods - but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless- often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


Premier was referring to the 5000 photos of goings-on at the villa taken by paparazzo Antonello Zappadu, the


To be specific, the thesis will take the novelist and his works as an integer by putting them into the transformation of the society, its social-historical thoughts and culture context, by observing the novelist and his works from thoughts resources to the development, from the thematic diachronic evolvement to the synchronic cultural comparison, from the innate writing talents to the unavoidable psychological dilemma, and therefore, grasp the research object wholly.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
