英语人>网络例句>不能进入的 相关的搜索结果


与 不能进入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I concluded that these proteins found in the tea must consist of various enzymes secreted by the yeast and bacteria to break down the large molecules of different nutrients in the tea which usually cannot enter cells directly, for example sucrose and caffein.


Emerging competition between TICs and banks, and first signs of the erosion of the Credit plan, led to the first of the clampdowns on TICs of the reform period, and in the consolidation of 1982, non- financial institutions were forbidden to set up TICs, and only banks were permitted to enter this business.


If you're not sure if the Malware Cleaner 2009 DLL file is located in a particular directory, enter " dir " in the command box to display a directory's contents.


Its width should be no less than half the of the face at the same height and, for the best effect, both upper and lower lips need to be symmetrical each side of the mid-line of the face.


Therefore, we see it has done wonders, in popular states; but with senates and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action than soon after, for boldness is an ill keeper of promise.

所以我们看见,这种勇敢在大众的( popular 或意译&民主的&)国家里创造奇迹,但在君主立宪的(或直译&有议会与君主的&)国家较少作为;这种勇士刚进入角色就有成就,但很快就失败;因为勇敢最不能保证诺言。

Because the speed of the fan for soaking furnace in the blooming shop could not beadjusted,a lot of hot air wasted during reheating, charging and discharging.


Of course, if we find that the local node in the wireless LAN equipment has been illegal attacker encryption, they can not normally enter the local wireless LAN, we can force the wireless device node parameter setting back to default, to restore the specific ways to view the corresponding wireless node equipment manuals, usually as long as we press the wireless node equipment in the control panel button to complete the reset function to restore the task parameters.


Kahn claimed in the same interview that this was necessary, because otherwise adapting an anime would not be commercially viable due to the re-dubbing, re-editing, and re-scoring that 4Kids performs. 4Kids Entertainment remains largely unmoved by these claims, stating "...if want this programming to come to the United States then they're going to have to accept the fact that it's going to be available in two styles."

Kahn在这次访问中还说到,这是很重要的,因为如果没有经营权,那么介于4Kids对于一部动画重配音,重编辑,和重新接受评价的运行方式,产品就不能在市场上发售。4Kids Entertainment还非常坚定的声明&……如果想让这种节目制作进入美国,那么他们就必须接受未来将有两种风格的事实。&

Coach Sergi Batista named Messí in his squad and has had to wait for FIFA to make a decision.


But now, I am convinced of myself and start to cherish every seconds because I realize that the future is and surely be created by my gifted hands.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
