英语人>网络例句>不能发音的 相关的搜索结果


与 不能发音的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only ten years old, his father sent him to military school in France


The most important is that I can't pronounce right.


She admitted in a radio interview that she can't read Chinese and uses English Romanization to help her pronounce words that she sings in the recording studio.


A semivowel, one having an audible sound by the addition of another Letter; e.g. S and R. A mute, one having no sound at all by itself, but becoming audible by an addition, that of one of the Letters which have a sound of some sort of their own; e.g. D and G.


HOST: The ongoing eruption of the Icelandic volcano with the unpronounceable name reminds us that it's been exactly 30 years since the bigger and deadly eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State.


Unable to vocalize, as certain animals.


As it was, being instructed, he returned an answer, intimating that Mr Heathcliff objected to his calling at the Grange; but his uncle's kind remembrance delighted him, and he hoped to meet him, sometimes, in his rambles, and personally to petition that his cousin and he might not remain long so utterly divided.


The sciences of the language were largely created by those for whom Arabic was an acquired tongue and who therefore had to think about it: lexicography, the collection and classification of words, was developed by scholars frequenting the market places where beduin came; grammar, the explanation of the way which Arabic worked, was first systematically expounded by a man of non-Arab origin, Sibawayh, form whose writing all later works derived.

学阿拉伯文字的书我早就买了,就是一直都没有花时间去看。现在看来要去巴林来,才翻出来开始细看。这本书具网上的介绍是学习阿拉伯字母的最好的课本,特别是把阿拉伯文字的一些比较刁难的东西都分析的清清楚楚。我到目前学会了9个字母,但是这本书不教发音,不知道水牛村的居民或是Kelly 姐能不能介绍学阿拉伯语发音的好书或是CD。

Conflicts between statements and transcriptions of this kind will be discussed further below4,the gestures for consecutive stops overlap,so that stops are unexploded when they occur before another stop in words 5,in many accents of English,syllable final/p,t/are accompanied by an overlapping glottal stop gesture ,as in pronunciations of tip,(this is another case where transcription cannot fully describe what is going on)6,in many accents of english ,/t/is replaced by a glottal stop when it occurs before an alveolar nasal in the same word7,nasals are syllabic at end of a word when immediately after an obstruentNote that we cannot say that nasals become syllabic whenever they occur at the end of a word and after a consonant.the nasals in kils,film are not syllabicity of /l/by saying simply.8,the lateral /l/ is syllabic at the end of aword when immediately after a consonant.

之间的冲突的声明和抄录这种将进一步讨论见下文) 4 ,连续的姿态站重叠,因此,车站未发生时之前停止在另一个字 5 ,在许多口音的英语,音节最后/磷,吨/年的同时,重叠喉塞音的姿态,在发音的提示,(这是另一个情况下,转录不能完全说明是怎么回事) 6 ,在许多口音的英语,/吨/年是取而代之的是一个喉塞音发生时肺泡鼻前的同一个词 7日,鼻骨的音节在一个单词的结尾时后立即obstruent 请注意,我们不能说鼻骨成为音节何时何地发生在一个单词的结尾之后consonant.the鼻骨在kils ,电影不是syllabicity的/升/说简单。 8 ,横向/升/是音节在年底时aword后立即辅音。

I couldn't even pronounce the name of city we would land in, Khabarovsk.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
