- 与 不流血的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It's impossible to bleed to death from that kind of arterial severing.
I'm here to lead, not to bleed!
Here I am free. But my country is still a prisoner of war.
In case the Apostles had celebrated the Lord's Supper during the triduum mortis (the time during which Christ's Body was in the tomb), when a real separation took place between the constitutive elements of Christ, there would have been really present in the Sacred Host only, the bloodless, inanimate Body of Christ as it lay in tomb, and in the Chalice only the Blood separated from His Body and absorbed by the earth as it was shed, both the Body and the Blood, however, hypostatically united to His Divinity, while His Soul, which sojourned in Limbo, would have remained entirely excluded from the Eucharistic presence.
在案件使徒们庆祝了主的晚餐期间triduum mortis (时间,在基督的尸体是在墓穴中),当一个真正的分离之间发生构成要件的基督,本来就不会有真正目前,在神圣的主办单位只,不流血,无生命基督的身体,因为它卧在墓穴中,并在chalice只有血液分离,从他的身体和吸纳由地球,因为这是大棚,无论是身体和血液,但是, hypostatically团结,以他的神性,而他的灵魂,其中sojourned在莲步,一直处于完全排除在圣体圣事的存在。
The ocean defends the water, the hurricane defends the air, the King defends Royalty, the democracy defends the people; the relative, which is the monarchy, resists the absolute, which is the republic; society bleeds in this conflict, but that which constitutes its suffering to-day will constitute its safety later on; and, in any case, those who combat are not to be blamed; one of the two parties is evidently mistaken; the right is not, like the Colossus of Rhodes, on two shores at once, with one foot on the republic, and one in Royalty; it is indivisible, and all on one side; but those who are in error are so sincerely; a blind man is no more a criminal than a Vendean is a ruffian.
In case the Apostles had celebrated the Lord's Supper during the triduum mortis (the time during which Christ's Body was in the tomb), when a real separation took place between the constitutive elements of Christ, there would have been really present in the Sacred Host only, the bloodless, inanimate Body of Christ as it lay in tomb, and in the Chalice only the Blood separated from His Body and absorbed by the earth as it was shed, both the Body and the Blood, however, hypostatically united to His Divinity, while His Soul, which sojourned in Limbo, would have remained entirely excluded from the Eucharistic presence.
在案件使徒们庆祝了主的晚餐期间triduum mortis (时间,在基督的尸体是在墓穴中),当一个真正的分离之间发生构成要件的基督,本来就不会有真正目前,在神圣的主办单位只,不流血,无生命基督的身体,因为它卧在墓穴中,并在chalice只有血液分离,从他的身体和吸纳由地球,因为这是大棚,无论是身体和血液,但是, hypostatically团结,以他的神性,而他的灵魂,其中sojourned在莲步,一直处於完全排除在圣体圣事的存在。
Each of the different sects of the Sani Sabik cult vary in their rituals and doctrine, some are inoffensive and almost inactive while a few have taken 'blooding' - as they call the draining of blood from a body - to new heights.
每个不同的Sani Sabik团体的宗教仪式和教令都有所不同。有些是不伤大雅的甚至几乎不活动的,但是有一些则想把&流血&提高到新的高度,他们称之为从躯体中排放血液。
HIV is not transmitted by kissing, deep or otherwise and the presence of mouth sores, bleeding lips, gum disease , etc do not change this.
HIV 是不会通过kiss传播的,深吻,浅吻,嘴巴有伤的,嘴唇流血的,牙龈有问题的,等等都不能改变这个答案。
HIV is not transmitted by kissing, deep or otherwise and the presence of mouth sores, bleeding lips, gum disease , etc do not change this.
在置顶的帖子里关于接吻----译自Medhelp 有这么一句话 HIV 是不会通过接吻传播的,深吻,浅吻,嘴巴有伤的,嘴唇流血的,牙龈有问题的,等等都不能改变这个答案。
Similarly, signs such as "proestrus bleeding" are often unreliable indicators; some bitches bleed very little and other show bleeding through estrus and into diestrus.
同样,标志,如& proestrus出血&往往是不可靠的指标;一些bitches流血很少和其他节目通过发情出血到动情。
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