英语人>网络例句>不时 相关的搜索结果


与 不时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is true that at times the country hasexperienced periods of acute unemployment as well as laborshortage, but on the whole immigrants came when work was plentifuland economy grew fast enough to absorb them, providing they werewilling to work productively at slightly less than the wage ratespaid the acculturated workers.


She began her second verse:"'Tis Venus who at midnight passes--" Still the same acidulated voice, only that now it tickled the public in the right quarter so deftly that momentarily it caused them to give a little shiver of pleasure.


He lost his family which makes him tearing and affects the rest of his life. 3.My parents did not agree me to study abroad, I don't know if I should give in or try my best to persuade them. 4.Edega is inarticulate,therefore he always abides dumbly when Jessica gets angry with him. 5.The festive background music assorts with his mood because he has just engaged with his girlfriend. 6.The system made harsh noise constanly,which indicates it can not work normally.

失去家人使他崩溃了,这一悲惨的事件一直影响着她的余生 3父母都反对我出国深造,我不知道是该让步还是尽力说服他们 4埃德加不善言辞,所以每当杰西卡对他发泄怒气时,他只是默默地忍受着 5欢快的背景音乐与他的心情很相称,因为刚刚与心爱的女友订了婚 6系统不时发出刺耳的噪音,表明它无法正常运转

I would often be awoken by the wailing of crowds of mourners during funeral ceremonies.


Diaphanous robes swirl around their bodies, floating in a scented witch-breeze that befuddles the senses.


Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person.


From the belfries far and near the funereal deathbell tolled unceasingly while all around the gloomy precincts rolled the ominous warning of a hundred muffled drums punctuated by the hollow booming of pieces of ordnance.


It would be nice to hear a couple claps here and there...but also hope they clap for birdies too.


I'm a little nervous about that to be honest with you…It would be nice to hear a couple claps here and there…but also hope they clap for birdies too.


The two Pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye, which was already in ear, but had been completely trodden down by the cattle and horses.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
