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与 不时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Take as a single example this easily overlooked little passage from the rondo of the 23rd piano concerto; it is, in its essence, nothing more than a functional bit of connective tissue taking us from one place to another within the movement's structure. Ten brief bars—about 10 seconds—of basic scalar material, doing its job efficiently and economically. But it is at the same time so richly and amusingly characterized, so full of piping energy, with its determined but struggling piano line climbing its stutteringly inexorable way up to the note E, punctuated along its course by deadpan commentary from the winds, sneaking in the D natural that signals the change of key with almost undetectable sleight of hand—the passage almost constitutes a miniature comic universe all by itself.

请听这段在《第23钢琴协奏曲》中常常被人忽视的回旋曲( http://img.slate.com/media/87/7_mozart488.asf ),没有哪个功能性连结段能比它更好地仅通过乐章结构就将听众带入另一个世界,长约10秒钟的概要部分(brief bars of basic scalar material)不仅经济有效地发挥其职能,同时又表现出丰富、诙谐的特色,充满木管乐器的活力,伴随着坚决但阻碍不断的钢琴的快速音群移入E大调,其行进过程不时被管乐器部加以修饰、注解,自然而然的转为D大调,转调手法之娴熟几乎无法察觉——这段音乐本身创造出一个微缩的喜剧世界。

That one time, I in station waiting automobile About 15.16 year-old girls, her arm is stretching the bandage, swayingly walking on road Often falls to several, but is aloof in the side person But I have actually held her, asks her:"you are all right?"

那一次 记得有一次,我在车站等待汽车。一个大约15.16岁的女孩,她的胳膊绷着绷带,晃晃悠悠的走在路上。不时摔到几次,可是在旁边的人无动于衷。

Yerns to seize the memories.Love, love,Send once more to me your visions.And in the morning entranced anew,Let me die unawakened!


The food did seem to improve Howl's temper, although he kept casting anxious looks at the unburning logs in the hearth all the time they were eating.


4 All commitment fees as the Lender may from time to time stipulate in respect of available but undrawn or un-utilised amounts of the facilities; and the same shall for so long as it remains owing carry interest at the rate as hereinbefore stated and all such costs, charges, expense and remuneration and all interest thereon shall be a charge on the Property and shall form part of the secured sum

17.4 贷款人就可用但未支取或未动用的信贷款额可不时规定的一切承诺费;该等款项在欠付期间须按前述利率计算利息,而一切有关的费用、收费、开支、薪酬及其所有利息,均属物业的押记,并作为有抵押款项的一部份。

He had to keep still long after she went to bed, for she kept making broken-hearted ejaculations from time to time, tossing unrestfully, and turning over.


Um, a little bizarre at times and very unstructured, very untraditional, but I was really happy.


These are best described as a stupefying roar of bombast occasionally interrupted by a few words of real sublimity.


He is rich in deep import's words, often go to meet come to burst of applause.


A few cases of influenza crop ped out every now and then.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
