英语人>网络例句>不时 相关的搜索结果


与 不时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know that we have problems. I know that many disagree with our Government's policies. Many in Israel, too, disagree from time to time with the Government's policies, and are free to do so, because Zionism has created the first and only real democratic State in a part of the world that never really knew democracy and freedom of speech.


ZOON—Beijing Creature is no more than one man's attempt to observe and to respond to this continuous whir of urban energy and activity that is unique to Beijing.


Absentmindedly, she hums the tune of "Que Sera, Sera" as she works and then glances at me, throwing me a loving smile.


I'm frequently accosted by people who ask me whether I'm interested in selling the truck.


I am sometimes driven to wish that you and I could mount upon acloud (as we used to fancy in those heavenly walks of ours). And behome quite out of sight and hearing of the world; for now all thepeople in the world seem to come between us.


"Licence Agreement" means the Technology Transfer or Licence Agreement to be entered into between the Principal and the Seller, together with all addenda, amendments and supplements made thereto from time to time and at any time, setting out the Price and other terms and conditions for the sale and transfer by the Seller of the Technology to, and the acquisition of the same by, the Principal.


God bless the Union; it is dearer to us for the blood of brave men which has been shed in its defenses The spots on which they stood and fell; these pleasant heights; the fertile plain beneath them; the thriving village whose streets so lately rang with the strange din of war; the fields beyond the ridge, where the noble Reynolds held the advancing foe at bay, and, while he gave up his own life, assured by his forethought and self-sacrifice the triumph of the two succeeding days; the little streams which wind through the hills, on whose banks in aftertimes the wondering ploughman will turn up, with the rude weapons of savage warfare, the fearful missiles of modem artillery; Seminary Ridge, the Peach Orchard, Cemetery, Culp, and Wolf Hill, Round Top, Litttle Round Top, humble names, henceforward dear and famous-no lapse of time, no distance of space, shall cause you to be forgotten.

联邦得上帝的保佑,得勇士们为之洒血捍卫,我们对它无不感到弥足珍贵。峥嵘岁月,沧海桑田,他们曾经战斗并倒下的地方依旧;那些恬美的高地依旧;街巷里不时回响着战火喧嚣的村落也又灯火依旧;战地外的原野依旧,在那里英武的雷诺将军曾经抵御进攻的敌人,并以自己的远见卓识无私献身确保了后来两天的胜利;环绕山岗的溪流依旧,溪流岸边走来战后悠闲的耕夫,拎着残酷战场遗留下来的粗陋武器和可怖的弹片炮灰; Seminary Ridge, the Peach Orchard, Cemetery, Culp, and Wolf Hill, Round Top, Litttle Round Top,无名的,及后来的有名的,这一切都让你们感到自己的渺小。

I acted like a pear that is ripening on the tree. Now and then I had relapses and I would confess my need for more earthly nourishment – a visit to the Sphinx or the Rue St. Apolline where I knew he repaired in weak moments when the demands of the flesh had become too vehement.


That day after Sunshine Nation 2009's press conference, I and Cindy followed the crew and the boyz + girlz to Vancouver Aquarium to meet the new born baluga.


Crouching tensely and patting the creases away with small cracked red fingers, she frowned now and then at the blotched drawing of something and big letters that spelled a word underneath


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
