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与 不时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new special edition "FM S.H.E" take the network broadcasting station as a concept, for 3 people the new special edition and the broadcasting station begin broadcasting put on "the official spot", Ella puts on the variety small foreign-style clothing rarely, deep V reveals the young ditch, refuted "the tack milk" by the genuine materials saying, Hebe also has no time to let, but also often stood does smiles bends the waist salutes, revealed the gutter ditch.

新专辑"FM S.H.E"以网路电台为概念,3人为了新专辑与电台开播而穿"正式一点", Ella 难得穿上花色小洋装,深 V 露出乳沟,以真材实料反驳"小钉奶"之说, Hebe 也不遑多让,还不时站起来搞笑地弯腰致敬,露出小沟沟。

On the toilet table the bouquets--roses, lilacs and hyacinths--appeared like a very ruin of flowers. Their perfume was strong and penetrating, while through the dampish air of the place, which was full of the spoiled exhalations of the washstand, came occasional whiffs of a more pungent scent, the scent of some grains or dry patchouli ground to fine powder at the bottom of a cup.


They would be well-advised to look back from time to time and lend a helping hand to those lagging behind.


Other relevant ads from health and wellness companies may appear on the site from time to time.


I have occasional visits in the long winter evenings, when the snow falls fast and the wind howls in the wood, from an old settler and original proprietor, who is reported to have dug Walden Pond,and stoned it, and fringed it with pine woods; who tells me stories of old time and of new eternity; and between us we manage to pass a cheerful evening with social mirth and pleasant views of things,even without apples or cider —— a most wise and humorous friend,whom I love much, who keeps himself more secret than ever did Goffe or Whalley; and though he is thought to be dead, none can show where he is buried.


Now and again a whimsically painted steeple breaks the horizon, its gilded cupola glittering in the bright spring sun.


We have seen a lovely little wild boar, on the ground looking for something to eat, whir of voices issued from time to time, is very cute.


He became a good workman, he was industrious, and his wages were increased from time to time.


Such ego speaks let often erupt in the person of the spot blast a yock.


The yowl of the Yeti echoes from the newly completed Mount Everest.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
