英语人>网络例句>不时 相关的搜索结果


与 不时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. Macphail thought his eyes rested on him now and then with triumphant good-humour.


Through the downtown section, that is, a remote road, the road on both sides of the tree, stand rows of flow mandarin duck, the men walk in there, from time to time there are Sazhe cheap perfume of the young woman by up and whispered in Question not do business, after a while bargaining on a former private house in a low transaction backward.


I'm trying to do this both on a friendship/mateship level but also intentionally as a business strategy by finding a handful of creative people who I can regularly hang out with and swap ideas, brainstorm and dream with on a semi-regular basis.


Matthew: Yeah, I know, but I have got to get out of this house sometime.


So the girls and their mother all walked together, a child on each side of Tess, holding her hand, and looking at her meditatively from time to time, as at one who was about to do great things; her mother just behind with the smallest; the group forming a picture of honest beauty flanked by innocence, and backed by simple souled vanity.


Anyway, the memories fade away after all, in the time of writing something to trace the memory, I feel uncomfortable from time to time.

4, 如此,记忆到底还是一天天模糊起来。在如此追踪记忆的轨迹写这篇东西的时间里,我不时感到惴惴不安。

Linstead is not a jazz artist per se but can be mildly jazzy at times, demonstrating that he is well aware of Django Reinhardt 's innovative gypsy swing as well as the fusion guitar playing of Pat Metheny , John McLaughlin , and Return to Forever graduate Al DiMeola .

Linstead本质上不是一位爵士艺术家,却能够不时表现出适度的爵士味道,证明他既非常了解Django Reinhardt标新立异的吉普赛轻快节奏,也同样了解Pat Metheny、John McLaughlin、以及以《 Return to Forever 》为标志的 Al DiMeola这些人演奏的具有融合风格的吉他。

Everyone must give bad mews from time to time, and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude.


Green turf sloped down to either edge, brown snaky tree-roots gleamed below the surface of the quiet water, while ahead of them the silvery shoulder and foamy tumble of a weir, arm-in-arm with a restless dripping mill-wheel, that held up in its turn a grey-gabled mill-house, filled the air with a soothing murmur of sound, dull and smothery, yet with little clear voices speaking up cheerfully out of it at intervals.


When a circus came and went, it left us all burning to become clowns; the first negro minstrel show that come to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
