英语人>网络例句>不放松的 相关的搜索结果


与 不放松的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And here comes a French song called "Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler". After being a student for 4 years, we all have to hunt for a job and make a living. Undoubtedly, we should and will work hard, but sometimes we may still wish from the bottom of our hearts to get back to our light-hearted college years. At this moment, let's just relax our hearts and soul by listening to this French Chanson

下面一首歌,是一首法语歌曲,《JE NE VEUX PAS TRAVAILLER》,《我不想工作》,4年学生生活后,我们就要奔向工作岗位——好好工作是一定的,但是有的时候,心中还是会小小地想回到以前轻松、无忧无虑的学生生活吧,那就让这首带着浓浓法国香颂的歌曲让你的心灵放松一下吧!

This also loosens the constraints against failure, so the earlier the mutation is in development, the less likely it will be workable.


This is not so easy to relax completely , even if you are one who meditates, meditation is still an activity of engagement and distinct focus.


No: trouble was turned into catastrophe by the Federal Reserve, which botched monetary policy, tightening when it should have loosened, thus depriving banks of liquidity when it should have been pumping money in.


Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing that all at once and it's too much,my heart feels like a balloon is about to brust,and I'd remember to relax,can't stop try to hold on to it,and that flows though me like rain,and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.


Our first-class masseur technology, a unique way, love and respect their jobs, strong communication skills to ensure that lets you relax and ease your mental and physical pressure on the lifting of the day for your fatigue.


This means that China will inevitably allow the yuan to appreciate further in 2007 (though not as sharply as worriers in Washington, DC, would like), while also further relaxing capital controls, to keep the growth of money supply at least partly in check.


Not really do not have the local high-end cosmetics products, but more to point to the beauty salon channel professional line, because, in the beauty salon a relaxed environment with music, flowers, beverages, etc.


If any one who is sick or who desires to be kept well will have stated periods of relaxation, openmindedness, and faith, he can prove the beneficial and unvarying result of this method.


Late autumn or winter of the most common boring colours to rule your home, that home is not the place to relax mood.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
