英语人>网络例句>不放松的 相关的搜索结果


与 不放松的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since this asana is meant for rest, its duration is not fixed.


Just a dream but there is no problem, and will not be too nervous tension of fetal well, I suggest you listen more to alleviate some of the music, relax mood can also be used for prenatal education, I wish you have a health cute baby


If you are ever having trouble sleeping understand that worrying about it will only make it worse. In fact, savasana and certain types of meditation are actually more restful than sleep. So if, for some reason you find you are unable to sleep at night, simply lie down, relax, and keep your mind quiet.

如果你曾经在睡眠方面有困扰,你必须明白一点:越是担心睡眠,你的睡眠质量会更差,事实上, Savasana和固定的冥想姿势比起睡觉更能让人平静下来,所以,如果你因为某些原因而导致晚上不能入眠,你可以尝试:简单地躺下,放松身体,保持你头脑平静。

His speech did not even mention military spending and suggested no slowdown in China's military modernisation.


Hearing this, they turned hotly interested:"Sweetheart, how about we make you feel comfortable?" then one of the heelers was told to take a set of poker cards.


Options include AC servomotor instead of air brake at unwind to permit processing of very thin films and foils, ionization bars to reduce static, individual lay-on rollers and a slit roll unloading system with a stand.


If people would but leave children to themselves; if teachers would cease to bully them; if parents would not insist upon directing their thoughts, and dominating their feelings--those feelings and thoughts which are a mystery to all for how much do you and I know of each other, of our children, ofour fathers, of our neighbour, and how far more beautiful and sacredare the thoughts of the poor lad or girl whom you govern likely tobe, than those of the dull and world-corrupted person who rules him?


With so much else to do first, liberalising capital flows would not be an obvious policy priority.


You have to be very relaxed, but you have to be very focused, and you have to arrive at the court wellprepared, ready mentally, because if I had gone onto the court cold, without focusing, without concentrating, I could lose.


I think we were far superior to Mallorca, though what happened at the end of the game has to serve as a warning to us not to relax in the future.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
