英语人>网络例句>不放松的 相关的搜索结果


与 不放松的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I kind of woke up and I realized that I was in a different atmosphere than you normally are. Immediately my reaction was to back off, slow down. I drove slowly to the pits and I didn't want to go out any more that day.


Many different difficulties might pop up in my life again. But no harm will be done, as long as I composedly connect with the intrinsic limitless space within.


In Japan, following the collapse of the bubbles, the government reduces the rate forwardly, then the economy fall into the state of low inflation rate and low interest rate. Being afraid of inflation, the Bank of Japan is reluctant to further relax the monetary policy leading to the economy reviving very crisp. Under the external impact, the economy fall into the deflation, and the rate policy loses its effectiveness.


A:Personally I do not feel as confident or professional when I dress down.


Many years ago, a Republican candidate for Texas governorship ruined his campaign by comparing bad weather to rape, and famously said,"if it is inevitable, you might as well just lay back and enjoy it."


In a news conference after his keynote address, Mr. Zuckerberg and other executives stressed that the new services would not loosen its privacy policies.


Now I feel relaxed, and I hope I won't make so many double-faults against Kiefer.


They have pure hearts and only do what artists should do. They refused to cater to fashionable trends or walk through to cater for the vulgars, they never give up their pursuit for art. They never think about becoming a giant in this era, but they always think about what they can do for this era. I shall cherish their names in my heart, and I shall take their behaviors for example by me all the time.


If people would but leave children to themselves; if teachers would ease to bully them; if parents would not insist upon directing their thoughts and dominating their feeling—those feelings and thoughts which are a mystery to all for how much do you and I know of each other, of our children, of our fathers, of our neighbours, and how far more beautiful and sacred are the thoughts of the poor lad or girl whom you govern likely to be, than those of the dull and world-corrupted person who rules him?


Well...haha, this is not self-praising becauseI alsodo not have muchtime butwhenever I have, I will roam aboutLondon to makediscoveriesof the streets, churches and museums, buy the standing tickets for west end musicalsand plays, take 1.5 hours bus to see a 2-hour film, or go witha bunch ofinternational friends to explore "the special pub culture of Great Britain"(justan elegant way toput "getting drunk"). Of course I am sort of exceptional: I get blush as an apple no matter howlittle I drink, but my mind is surprisingly asclear as normal no matter how much I drink, plus it is not a crime to escape for a little breakonce in along while, from theimmensely pressuringstudy life.

呃……hehe ,不是为自己脸上贴金,因为我轻松的时间虽同样不多,但只要闲下来,就会去满伦敦乱走看风景教堂博物馆,买便宜的站票去西区听几小时音乐剧,花一个半小时乘车为看两小时学生半价的电影,或是和同样身为穷留学生的国际友人们三五成群地去探索&英国独特的酒吧文化&——买醉的一种比较文雅的说法——当然我比较例外,虽说一口就上头,喝多少却都跟没喝一样清醒,何况学习压力巨大无比,偶尔放松一小下构不成什么罪过。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
