英语人>网络例句>不平等 相关的搜索结果


与 不平等 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rooted gender inequality in reality makes the internet particularly gendered. The relationship and the interaction of man and woman in reality are unavoidably reflected on the internet. Women's marginalized position, instead of being eliminated, outspreads into the cyberspace.


If we don't answer that then we are as bad as those who signed the unequal treaties.


At the crossing line of the minoritizing and universalizing of queer subjectivity between Korea and the West, I'd like to construct an argument and discuss a new possibility of "West Meets East" in queer politics as to how Korean queers achieve sexual citizenship by not assimilating heteronormative norms and values but liberating their own quotidian sexual subjectivities and reforming institutions to further recognition of sexual diversity and inequality.


In this article, some modern ideas of the western feminists are introduced.


Feminists expect women and men to be aware of the existence of some basic inequalities and injustices.


Virginia Woolf realizes that the women writers in the nineteenth century often express their personal grievance in the novels. However, after entering the twentieth century, the women writers begin to "use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression", and pay more and more attention to the essence of the art-"freedom and fullness of expression". Secondly, she discusses the relationship between men and women, and she believes that they should be equal in society, and indicates the final goal of feminist struggle is to "deconstruct the death-dealing binary opposition of masculinity and femininity".


However, after entering the twentieth century, the women writers begin to "use writing as an art, not as a method of self-expression", and pay more and more attention to the essence of the art –"freedom and fullness of expression". Secondly, she discusses the relationship between men and women, and she believes that they should be equal in society, and indicates the final goal of feminist struggle is to "deconstruct the death-dealing binary opposition of masculinity and femininity". Meanwhile, she implies the relationship between men and women by analyzing the characters of Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. Thirdly, being oppressed by the patriarchal society, women lose the right of discourse.


In December a coalition led by Mr Abhisit took power in the wake of anti-Thaksin protests by yellow-clad royalists known as the People's Alliance for Democracy.


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The main results are:(1) The cumulate cause-effects model was demonstrated at both macro and micro level data. The problem of data fitting of hypertension prevalence data was solved well enough with the cumulate cause-effects model. The parameters of the model were meaningful for the practice.(2) Taking the hypertension developing speed as an indicator of health equality of hypertension between urban and rural residents in China and discovered the macro level determinants of it.(3) The causal network was testified by the structure equation model.(4) It is found that the major determinants of hypertension prevalence in China is population ageing, overweight, lifestyle changing due to high economic developing speed and the lagging behind of health education.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
