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At the same time, both religion and mentalism derive from the primitive's Animatism. Dualism and Agnosticism had a close kin. From materialism, the nature was the foundation of objective anima, demon activities and so on in the primitive hunting tribes.


As the research method as concerned, this research collects materials and information from three different villages and organizes them in series village comparison way , which is a new attempt in the domestic present research of Pinghua group as well as the urbanization. Meanwhile, through this kind of comparison research, this thesis proposes the"disequilibrium change"concept in another kind meaning and points out that there would be disequilibrium change at different points in an identical social culture, which will promote the anthropology's understanding of change's diversity.


By means of equilibrium outcome analysis of merger game, it gives the decision basis that rational firm strategically selects merger model and analyze the interests conflict between consumers and firms and government under the equilibrium merger model in the imperfect information analysis, by means of the prior probability of firm marginal cost described by continuous distribution function, the passage clarifies the relations between pre-emptive merger with rational expectation and equilibrium merger model, in the vertical relation industry.


In the transformation problem Marx did not intend to establish a proportionality between values and prices but, on the contrary, to show that individual exploitation and individual profit are disproportional unless some restrictive conditions are imposed.


Poor quality food masquerading as balanced diets and expensive brands promising superior nutrition, yet leaving out vital ingredients to provide yet another solution product, have lead many to see through the marketing doublespeak and realise that profit, not their pets good health, is the manufacturers main concern.


For investment behavior studies, in particular, the assumption of flexible accelerator has been criticized for the restricted functional specification and the assumed constant rates of adjustments.


Through the knowledge of the urban societies, this case study puts the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements back in the Story of the urbanization and the housing policy, discuss its historic and social formation, breaks the public opinion's prejudice, puts in light the ill-assorted sharing of the country resources and the unequal development of the cities.At the same time, this research introduces the formation and the structure of the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements - it comes at first from the urban development bringing a need of workers, the population migrates massively from the countryside to the city, the study shows more clearly the bad regulation of the housing policy. In the time, the authorities, to relieve the tension of the consumption, let the Squatter Settlements form. With the evolution of the urbanization, it became a choice of extra housing. Today the New Caoya Squatter Settlements play still an important role among the low incomes families.


The geographical distribution of historical characters in the four dynasties in Southern Dynasty lias features as follows: although the number of the provinces of distribution is relatively approximate, the number of the characters in each province is remarkably imbalanced


The whole consciousness of Divinity is then immutable, and moves only in equilibrium; it is holy, incorruptible, eternal; or to define it better, it is eternity, consisting in the very truth of the Supreme God, the plenitude of all feeling and knowledge, or indeed, so to speak, in God Himself.


Falling profit and overproduction produce instability in what he terms the "imperialist" world, but Mandel is prepared to take notice of "underproduction" in the "so- called socialist countries" which, even though they are "superior to a capitalist market economy in ability to avert great cyclical fluctuations, overproduction crises, and unemployment," have "monstrous waste and imbalances caused by the bureaucratic monopoly of economic and political management" and are distant from a genuine socialist economy pp.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
