英语人>网络例句>不均衡的 相关的搜索结果


与 不均衡的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the optical wavelengths adding/dropping and routing are realized in control plane, transport plane is lack of intelligent monitoring and adjusting to optical level signal. Because of dispersion, power unequalization and somthing else, the transmission quality of ASON can not be guaranteed.


In human beings this urine and scent gland is replaced by the architect, who establishes territory by manipulating the built environment… Annie 92

这些疆界划分所引含的是权力或权利分配的不均衡,然社会表面上的混乱其实皆是有计画地运作而生成的,洛伊是在建筑系念书时才体会到这一点,於是开始尝试了解掌权者与无权者之间永无止尽的冲突,这也成为她所有写作中重要的主题("Foreword," Annie , xi )。

The comparison error rate of LSD and Duncan is equal toα, but their experimental error rate is large toα. The comparison error rate of SNK, Scheffe, Bonferroni, Sidak are smeller toα, as well as experimental error rate. The power of test of SNK, Scheffe, Bonferroni, Sidak are smeller to LSD and Duncans. When unbalance design with small sample size, the power of SNK, Scheffe, Bonferroni, Sidak are little small.


Besides including two 31-band channels of 1/3-octave equalization, the 231 also offers ±6 or ±12 dB boost/cut range; XLR, 20mm faders and 1/4 inputs; nonconductive nylon sliders; and an intuitive user interface with comprehensive output and gain reduction metering.

除了包括两个31段均衡的1/3-octave渠道,还提供231 ± 6或± 12分贝提升/衰减范围;的XLR,20毫米推子和1 / 4的投入;不导电尼龙滑块,以及直观的用户界面全面的输出和增益衰减计量。

According to calculated results of this"System",three major rich areas of "large scale" unswept remaining oil in waterflooded bedded sandstone reservoirs have been determined:1.the unswept remaining oil in top of waterflooded positive rhythm reservoire with high viscosity oil;2.the unswept remaining oil in side parts and corners of oil reservoirs;3.the unswept remaining owing to development of non-proportionably each substratums in a series of strata.


Multinational company's care most are that how many efforts they will make. And the choice can not be independent without circumstance they face. Therefore, this article begins with the analysis of their behavior, and then analyzes their balanced choice in gamble and abstracts the nine key factors which affect the choice of managers.


Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.


The shoe boots of this kind of design broke semmetry and balanced modelling principle, do one's best helps the change of type design, with popularity slant head last for shaping a shoe close suitably, with modelling of asymmetry of a kind of reduplicative, make whole shoe money bring out the best in each other.


Drifting in this fashion, wining, dining, drinking the waters of this curative spring and that, travelling in luxurious ease and taking no physical exercise, finally altered his body from a vigorous, quick-moving, well-balanced organism into one where plethora of substance was clogging every essential function.


The direct nature of the lighting results in specular reflections off the product and an uneven illumination intensity across the field-of-view resulting in shadows and hotspots in the images.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
