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与 不同地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Research emphasis is put on thefollowing aspects:First,study of multiwavelet basis(e.g.periodic vector,interpolation vector,multi-dimensional vector)suitable for different practical demands.Second,from perspective of operatorapproximation order,study of normal function approximation operator,contrast and comparison ofwavelet operator and multiwavelet operator and their respective applicable fields.And further,onbasis of the above,exploration of approaches of multiwavelet analysis application in function spacetheoretical research,and higher-lever,more convenient approaches for multi-function spaceapproximation theoretical research.Third,by fully employing unique features of multiwavelet,research action of multiwavelet analysis in the construction of L〓space non-conditionalbasis.Fourth,research such as transient signal analysis,image edge extraction,datacompression,fractal signal analysis.


Comparison between the model and test results shows that the proposed rheological model is reasonable.


Take at least ten slow, deep breaths and gently and compassionately acknowledge to yourself:"This thinking pattern is not helping; I am going to do something different."


Hence Genesis, notwithstanding the compilatory character of its sources, the many repetitions and divergent versions of one and the same event, the duplications and digressions, makes on the whole the impression of a coherent work, aiming at the presentation of a well-defined view of history, viz., the selection of the sons of Israel as the representative exponents of Yhwh's relations to the sons of Adam, a selection gradually brought about by the elimination of side lines descended, like Israel, from the common progenitor Adam, the line running from Adam to Noah-to Abraham-to Jacob = Israel.

P的方法,正确地被视为下神学意图(" Tendenz "),也即河因此成因,尽管compilatory的性质及其来源,在许多重复和不同版本的同一个事件,重复和digressions ,使得整体上的印象是一个连贯的工作,旨在提出一个明确的历史观,即。,选择的儿子,以色列的代表指数的Yhwh的关系的儿子亚当,选择逐步所带来的副作用线消除的后裔,如以色列,从共同的祖先亚当,该行从亚当到诺亚,亚伯拉罕到雅各=以色列。

The author investigated the community of grasshoppers in Changbai Mountain area during the period of July to September 2001, complementally collected specimen and systematically collected and measured environmental factors from July to October in the following year, and consulted to specimen collected by Fengling Zhang and Yanlong-yang in 1979, 1980 and 1981. By analyzing and classifying the data of five years, the author analyzed the community construction and ecological adaptability of the grasshoppers in the area. The main aspects dealing with the grasshoppers are as follows:(1)the community construction and faunal geographical elements;(2)characteristics of their ecological distribution;(3)vertical distribution of grasshoppers in the northern slop;(4)the relationship between environmental factors and differences in shape of grasshoppers in different vertical belt of northern slop, etc.


The analyses of soil samples indicate that there are high values of physical clay fraction in arbor-bush-grass complex forest and apple orchard, which means strong capability to resist soil wind erosion.


Componential analysis is a method used to analyze the meaning of a word into its components.


The Comport allows multiple sessions to run simultaneously but each with a different serial port.

Comport 允许多的会议同时地开但是每一个跟不同的串行口一起。

Many different difficulties might pop up in my life again. But no harm will be done, as long as I composedly connect with the intrinsic limitless space within.


There are 58 species of 23 families have germinated in Beibei Karst area, these plants include 16 species of Gramineae and 8 species of Compositae.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
