英语人>网络例句>不同地 相关的搜索结果


与 不同地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pattern of intensive economy growth is to point to country or area height to center the force of all sorts of factor of production sensibly to increase the yield behavior means of Gross National Product, differ with connotation expanded reproduction.


I'm a person who just throws myself out there and does wild stuff and she's like the center of the wheel. She's the type of person that can sit there and allow things to come to her.


Combined with Huazhuo centralizer, promoting blood circulation antidote Tongluo effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and play an overall advantage of the regulation may be solved with the characteristics of different groups of aspirin resistance, in order to more effectively prevent cardiovascular disease From happening.


The visionary Swiss dye-works team had proven talent with the invention of their centrifugally cast cylinders and very soon recognized that the advantages the material and its special production method brought about were suitable also in a completely different field of application: for piping.


Results showed that the best antibacterial growth on Huaihai West Road was a tree layer of Zelkova schneideriana and Cedrus deodara, a shrub layer of Cercis chinensis and Buxus sinica, and a ground cover of Zephyranthes candida with an antibacterial effect of 51.9%. On Beijing North Road a tree layer of Magnolia grandiflora and a shrub layer of Photinia serrulata revealed an antibacterial effect of 47.1%. Thus, depending on the arrangement, antibacterial effect can improve the urban street-side environment in autumn and winter.

结果表明,秋季10月上旬不同植物群落均具有一定的抑菌作用;淮海西路处理2-5(乔木层为大叶榉树Zelkova schneideriana和雪松Cedrus deodara,灌木层为紫荆Cercis chinensis和黄杨Buxus sinica,地被为葱兰Zenhyranthes candida)和北京北路处理1-4(乔木层为广玉兰Magnolia grandiflora,灌木层为石楠Photinia serrulata)复层配置植物群落的抑菌效果最佳,抑菌率分别达51.93%和47.10%合理的植物群落配置的抑菌效果在秋冬季节对改善街道空气质量具有积极意义。

Not all of parameters are significant for certain event.


The self-deceiving Chinese boast that to swim in such a chamber pot is just like to swim in the real ocean, for the liquid tastes the same - all salty.


For different structure dimensions of CPW electrodes, the microwave effective refractive index and characteristic impedance are gotten.


In the fourth chapter, making the assumption of local charge nonequilibrium and taking energy conservation into account, we ex plained the odd and even multiplicity distributions in different rapidity windows and the anomalous dependence of multiplicity moments on energy in narrow rapidity windows.


We may showcase our charm during school activities or interpersonal relationships; we may even contribute ourselves without any fanfare, possibly known only to yourself, yet you are excited privately for quite some time.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
