英语人>网络例句>不同地 相关的搜索结果


与 不同地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The invention can repeatedly test the CT vessel contrast rebuild algorism quantitatively, to find out best parameter.


Experiments show that our method can be easily manipulated and generalized to multiple fields and successfully synthesize the anile facial images at different ages for various kinds of people realistically.


Through a comprehensive study of appositive structure and an investigation into a large quantity of linguistic facts, we know that there is great difference in the interior of this structure, and it includes many different types of sub-categories that are restricted by different conditions. Those restrictions are made complicated as they are interrelated not only to the semantic properties of Noun, but also to the functional features of Pronoun.


Results The morbidity of oculopathy in different arm of the service all stepped up, the main diseases included the sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis,retinal optimum denaturation, lattice degeneration of peripheral retina, dried slit pores of retina,traumatic oculopathy, et al. But the morbidity of xerophthalmia, oculi hypertonia or glaucoma decreased; the morbidity of traumatic oculopathy in infantry, strain arm and ground artilleryman was higher than other arms, the morbidity of xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher, the morbidity of sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis, xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher too.

结果 所有兵种在视力不合格、结膜炎、沙眼、视网膜良性变性、周边视网膜格子样变性、视网膜干性裂孔以及外伤性眼病等方面均有不同程度的升高,而在干眼症、高眼压或青光眼方面均有不同程度的降低;步兵、特种兵以及地炮兵中外伤性眼病的发病率较高,装甲兵、坦克兵中干眼症以及眩光的患病率较高,驾驶兵中视力不合格、结膜炎、干眼症以及眩光等疾病患病率较高。

This article analyzes the profit model of insurance companies in detail and validates the relevance between the prescripts which have been constituted by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission in the operation of insurance funds and the investment income of insurance companies through financial statements of the three companies, China Life, Ping An of China and China Pacific, which have been coming into A-stock market. It analyzes the relationship between the insurance company asset allocation and the funds income and risk of insurance companies by simulating the different insurance companies' earnings on different asset allocation and different equity investment yield, so as to arrive at the objective how to configure which prescripts to funds operation of insurance companies is reasonable, demonstrates the rationalities of insurance funds operation prescripts which have been constituted by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and considers the equity investment of insurance companies can be properly enhanced to thirty percent of total assets because China's economy will develop stably, chronically and at high-speed .


The relation of the chromatographic retention indices of alkene to topological index,double bond atomic hybridization state index,polarizability effect index of branched chain to double bond atomic,immobile liquid polarity values and column temperatureat different temperatures on different stationary phases was studied.


Based on the petrological and geochronological study of metamorphic complexes from the Grove Mountains, the following conclusions are reached.(1)Exsolution texture is widely found in clinopyroxene in mafic granulites. A peak metamorphic temperature of 850 C was obtained from the reintegrated compositions of exsolved clinopyroxene. The preservation of augite megacrysts suggests a single episode of high-grade metamorphism for the Grove Mountains.(2)The compositional comparison of garnet from pegmatites with that from country rocks demonstrates that garnet in pegmatites is of xenocryst origin, and late amphibolite facies metamorphism does not occur in this area.(3)The Pan-African charnockite and post-tectonic sheet-like granite were first recognized in East Antarctica. Their occurrences suggest a collisional orogeny during the Pan-African time.(4)The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on various rock types indicates that the major metamorphism in the Grove Mountains occurs at c. 550 Ma, and the tectonothermal evolution terminated at c. 500 Ma. The Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism did not develop in the studied area.(5)The Prydz belt, the second Pan-African suture within the Gondwana suppercontinent, was further comfirmed based on this study. The Gondwana suppercontinent was not formed by the simply juxtaposition of East and West Gondwana, but by the collision of several blocks during the Pan-African time.

本项目通过格罗夫山地区高级变质杂岩的变质岩石学和同位素年代学研究,获得如下重要认识:(1)发现辉石出溶结构,由此获得峰期变质温度为850 C,并根据火成普通辉石的识别确定该区只存在单相麻粒岩相变质;(2)通过伟晶岩中石榴石斑晶与围岩中石榴石的对比研究提出了石榴石的捕虏晶成因,进而确定该区不存在晚期角闪岩相变质作用;(3)在东南极首次识别出泛非期紫苏花岗岩和后构造层状花岗岩,为泛非构造热事件的碰撞造山成因提供了重要佐证;(4)对不同岩石类型的锆石SHRIMP定年精确地限定了格罗夫山地区主期变质作用发生于泛非期,~550 Ma,热事件结束于~500 Ma,年代学数据没有揭示在该区存在格林威尔期麻粒岩相变质作用的迹象;(5)进一步确认了东南极内部普里兹带的存在,它属于冈瓦纳超大陆内部的第二条泛非期缝合带,据此认为冈瓦纳超大陆并不是由东、西冈瓦纳陆块的简单拼合而成,而是多个不同块体拼合的结果。

Shanghai, such a remarkable place, sometimes makes you feel that there are many small nations within it. Just like in Europe, it seems all people are the same at first glance, but when you look at them closely, you will see the seriousness of the German, the romance of the French and austereness of the Poles. People living in different parts of Shanghai also look differently.


An automatic volume control system used in the audio system of broadcast is introduced. In this system, different adjusting speeds are provided according to the alteration of speakers by using the technique of speaker recognition.


By metaphorically invoking the photographic terminology in the spirit of Bergsonian / Deleuzian time-movement interpretation as inspiration, the exhibition Timelapse in which a dozen artists from both Switzerland and China will participate, attempts to examine the fundamental constituent of digital media: the concept of time and its embodiment in space, its evocation of passage and memory, its movement of differentiation and its state of representation in diverse formal grammars to reveal the social implications of the fast in the disguise of the slow, the multiplicity in temporality and disparity in spatiality, both psychologically and geographically, stirring up a desire to scrutinize the nuances and ramifications in regards to the construct of cultural being in the disparate framework of time in distance and space in locality and the potential collapse of such time-space duality.

本次展览以柏格森以及德卢兹( Deleuze,均为法国哲学家)有关时间-运动的解释为契机,含蓄地缓引"延时"这一摄影术语,在瑞士和中国两国艺术家的参与中,试图检验数字媒体的根本构成因数,及时间的概念以及其在空间中的体现,其对于过程和记忆的启示,其运动所产生的差异,以及其在运用形式语言时所呈现的不同表象,从而揭示被缓慢所遮掩的亟速之社会内蕴,其在时空中之心理与地理间的多样化和差异性,激起我们对于细察在不同的时空概念的框架下文化的构建,以及对于这种时空二元性之崩溃的可能性的欲念。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
