英语人>网络例句>不同于 相关的搜索结果


与 不同于 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the following chapter (20) the tractate goes on to indicate such things as are only allowed on the Sabbath on condition that they are done differently from ordinary days.

在随后的一章( 20 ) tractate下去,以显示这类事情,因为只允许对安息日条件是他们必须做不同于平常的日子。

Fictitious capital is in trade the price decision way on the market also is different from other goods or capital.


One of the disadvantages of this method is that you are totally strange to the transcriber. 6. The dictation is done with your speaking, a machine 's recording, and your secretary s transcribing.

这个方法的其中一个不足是你显得完全不同于誊写者 6 你说完了,这种听写也就完了,也就是机器的记录与你秘书的誊写 7 这种机器记录下的话然后供抄写用。

Translucent paper is different from ordinary paper, its business card printing and membership card making strange effect.


It is an independent procedure corresponding to court trial that possesses its unique characteristics.


The moral argument of law will be interrupted by Munchhausen - Trilemma and Hume s problem. Although the linguistic argumentation has many difficulties such as complex concept meaning, the linguistic rules provide a new possibility for legal argumentation. However, as an argumentation theory, which is different from the traditional legal argumentation theory, the explanation viewpoints and judging standard it provided are valuable.


Doped high consistence Co can't increase the density of defect levels. ZnO doped Fe is different from doped Mn or Co totaly, the density of photoelectrons anddefect levels aren't reduced obviously. It's probably related the valence of Fe in crystal,general think trivalence of Fe, and form donor levels in ZnO.


People in their daily lives the use of breathing, is a kind of instinctive, normal physiological movement, playing in the trombone breath used in almost all different from the normal breathing.


Its are different from traditional pedagogy -- the teacher is tuitional, student passivity is accepted, be helpful for stimulating study enthusiasm of the student and creativity.


High Intensity Discharge is a new type of lighting technology that primarily different from the conventional halogen bulbs that use a heated tungsten filament.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
