英语人>网络例句>不可能 相关的搜索结果


与 不可能 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What I may say is not very clear, on the station I am done not have very sedulous go SEO, because my itself also is a dish bird, it is the very serious data that goes analysing statistic only, search window, if you can find a few same popular words, IP crosses W is not impossible job absolutely, this more it is a paronomasia.


Mrs Palin will never be president—no one so widely disliked can plausibly win a general election.


Assert should be used only to verify things that truly should not be possible. It can be useful as an aid in getting a program debugged but should not be used to substitute for run-time logic checks or error checking that the program should be doing.

assert 仅用于检查确实不可能的条件,这只对程序的调试有帮助,但不能用来代替运行时的逻辑检查,也不能代替对程序可能产生的错误的检测。

It happen'd, being in Company with some Merchants and Planters of my Acquaintance, and talking of those things very earnestly, three of them came to me the next Morning, and told me they had been musing very much urn what I had discoursed with them of, the last Night, and they came to make a secret Proposal to me; and after enjoining me Secrecy, they told me, that they had a mind to fit out a Ship to go to Guinea, that they had all Plantations as well as I, and were straiten'd for nothing so much as Servants; that as it was a Trade that could not be carried on, because they could not publickly sell the Negroes when they came home, so they desired to make but one Voyage, to bring the Negroes on Shoar privately, and divide them among their own Plantations; and in a Word, the Question was, whether I would go their Super-Cargo in the Ship to manage the Trading Part upon the Coast of Guinea?


It happen'd, being in Company with some Merchants and Planters of my Acquaintance, and talking of those things very earnestly, three of them came to me the next Morning, and told me they had been musing very much upon what I had discoursed with them of, the last Night, and they came to make a secret Proposal to me; and after enjoining me Secrecy, they told me, that they had a mind to fit out a Ship to go to Guinea, that they had all Plantations as well as I, and were straiten'd* for nothing so much as Servants; that as it was a Trade that could not be carried on, because they could not publickly sell the Negroes when they came home, so they desired to make but one Voyage, to bring the Negroes on Shoar privately, and divide them among their own Plantations; and in a Word, the Question was, whether I would go their Super-Cargo* in the Ship to manage the Trading Part upon the Coast of Guinea?


In, hand in hand, think up, express one's satisfaction with, try out, blame for, have the advantage of, get rid of, break down, throw away, keep off, carry on, once in a while, as long as, at war, fall into ruins, to one's delight, take charge, but for, fix the date, in search of, on the point of doing,be proud of

交际 肯定与不肯定;决断、坚持、建议、命令、禁止、警告;就餐;同意与不同意;判断和意见;道歉、遗憾和应答;看病;预见、猜测和相信;学习话剧中的日常用语;提供帮助及应答;表示愿望、祝福、打算、意愿;表示歉意和遗憾及应答;邀请、征询意见及应答;请求许可及应答;电话用语;提出建议;决心、决定、坚持;可能与不可能;禁止与警告;推测与相信;约会、约定

To say that evidence is apodictic does not mean that it is impossible for us to be mistaken or that it is impossible that our insight will be subject to various forms of correction.


If sila is not perfect, there cannot be good samadhi. Without good samadhi, there cannot be panna.


Not at all ! All of our attempts and efforts in quest of understanding just turn out to be in vain.


She dreamt that she saw the messenger; now one person, now another, but never any probable person; hindered by a hundred hinderances; now startling and terrible; now ridiculous and trivial; but never either natural or probable; and going down into the quiet house with the memory of these dreams strong upon her, she had been bewildered by the stillness which had betokened that the tidings had not yet come.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
