英语人>网络例句>不可能 相关的搜索结果


与 不可能 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

THEREFORE: There can be no a priori knowledge except of objects of possible experience.


Don't waste time agonizing over what might or might not work.


Because ventilation can only be increased or decreased, a combination of a respiratory acidosis and a respiratory alkalosis is impossible.


Because ventilation can only be increased or decrease d, a combination of a respiratory acidosis and a respiratory alkalosis is impossible.


He was afraid of making eye contact and I was even more reluctant to catch his eyes, I was willing to silently watch him from a distance.


He was afraid to make eye contact and I was even more reluctant to catch his eyes, I was willing to silently watch him from a distance.


If this system doesn't change, if there is no democratization, then it'll be just like I said when we were commemorating Mr. Hu Yaobang —we were commemorating him, not mythologizing him—it would be impossible for China's politics to be put straight by just one person. To think so is childish and blind.


Birth and death are always the cause of suffering and there are no Eternal, Bliss, Self, and the Pure, 8 it is not possible to segregate oneself from the eight inopportune situations, 9 one is always pursued by enmity, 10 there is not one dharma that can shake off all things that exist, 11 one is not emancipated from the three unfortunate realms, 12 various twisted views accompany one, 13 no boat is on hand to pass one across the waters of the five deadly sins, 14 birth and death go on endlessly and no limit to this is gained, 15 when no karma is performed, there is no result to follow, 16 no fruition comes about to others for what one has oneself done, 17 without the cause of bliss, there cannot be the result of bliss, 18 once the seed of karma is sown, the result will not be lost, 19 ignorance calls forth life and by it one dies, 20 what one has over the three times of past, present and future is indolence.

出生和死亡始终是痛苦的原因这里没有永恒,极乐,自我,以及纯净,8)要想把一个人从八个不合时宜的情景之中分离出来是不可能的,9 ,一个人总是追求敌意,10),没有佛法能摆脱一切事物的存在,11),人不能从三恶道解脱,12)一个人有着各种扭曲的观念,13)没有船能让人通过五个致命的罪恶,14 )生与死不断的存在,没有积累的限制,15)没有业的产生就没有业的结果, 16)一个人自己造的业果不会出现在别人身上17),没有幸福的原因,就没有幸福的结果,18)业一旦播种,业果也不会丢失,19)愚昧引导的生命会使人死亡,20)懒惰的人占有了他过去,现在,未来的时间。

Jimmy Proof: there is a bevel at the cylindrical bolt. Once the lock body touches the striker, the bolt will hitch the striker, that's Jimmy Proof. The lock can be operated outside by the key and inside by the key or rotating the knob. A jimmy proof lock usually equips with a security button to prevent opening the door outside without a key .

a。 自碰功能:圆柱锁舌上带有斜面,只要锁体与锁扣板一碰上,锁舌便会钩住,俗称自碰,此时门外必须要用钥匙才能开启,门内则用旋或钥匙进行锁闭或开启;自碰功能锁体中一般都带有保险钮,当需要把门掩上而不锁闭时,则须把保险钮锁上,使锁面斜舌不伸出,门才能自由开关,门外不带钥匙,要想开门是不可能的。

BE, enthusiasm such as the fire similar Ran exert, once saw too many, experience too many, all of enthusiasm all became numbness with cold, slowly see through everything, all no longer show interest to anything, extremely self-conceited, perhaps the person slowly grew up, these destine of rotate such as life toss about of match to leave, just, the season be not old go to, can't lose, either, life but have no so long long, also have no be able to with round the season for return, be I run about in the breeze, the scenery be a similar scenery, the road be a similar road and throw but world of mortals how much matter, hold 1 ground to fall a dust, Wan setting sun remnants Jin, step the twilight of setting sun to look for in a kind ofly quitely a peaceful, walk in the hullabaloo of the crowd, total felling oneself don't belong to over here, hence inhospitality, hence silent, although this not I be original meaning, be step the color of night stroll under the sky that dark, when the any pleasant breeze kiss noodles, I felling perhaps I have already walk too far, have already coulded not return first, I think me is destine standing alone of.

是,热情例如相似的火跑了一次施加,看见了太多,体验太多,所有热情全部成为了与寒冷的麻木,慢慢地把一切,全部进行下去不再显示兴趣对任何东西,极端自负,或许人慢慢地长大,这些注定转动例如生活抛比赛离开,季节不是老去对,不可能丢失,任一,生活,但是有没有,因此长期长期,也有没有能对与圆回归的季节,是我跑在微风,风景是一处相似的风景,路是一条相似的路和投掷,但是人类多少问题,拿着1地面落尘土,苍白落日残余金世界,跨步落日微明寻找在种类ofly quitely平安的,在人群的喧嚣,在这不属于的总砍伐,因此不好客的步行,因此沈默,虽然这不是我是原义,或许是步夜漫步的颜色在黑暗的天空下,当所有宜人的微风亲吻面条, I砍伐我太时已经有步行,首先已经不是回归,我认为我是单独注定常设。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
