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与 不变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method which is used to measure and compute moment, yield and turning angle by steel bar gauge is introduced in detail. According to the measuring results, the horizontal critical load of the testing pile is 120 kN. The steel bar gauge measuring results show that the largest moment is located in the depth from 2 m to 3 m under the horizontal load, it transfers to the deeper location with the increase of the horizontal load, and the bend distortion only occurs in the upper of 1/3 pile length.

结合实际工程详细地介绍了利用钢筋计测试水平荷载作用下桩身弯矩、挠度和转角分布的方法,根据桩顶位移和钢筋内力测试结果判定试验桩的水平临界荷载为120 kN;根据钢筋计测试结果可知,在水平荷载作用下,桩身最大弯矩截面位于在地面以下2~3 m处,且随着荷载的增大最大弯矩截面逐渐向深部转移;发生弯曲变形的部分主要是桩长1/3以上的桩体,而其下的桩体几乎不发生变形。

Based on the elastic theory of large deflection and by taking into account the variation of the axial force and its effects on bending deformation of the drillstring in vertical section,the vibration of the drillstring induced by fluctuating weight-on-bit is described by a parametrically excited system.A Mathieu equation describing the system is established by Galerkin Method.By extending the solution into a Fourier series,the curves of dynamic bifurcation values and the dynamically unstable regions surrounded by the curves are presented.


This approach is base on the following idea:under not effect to the deformation of rectangular pipe,to change right angle to obtuse angle which is variant as some regular,make plain-barreled roll pass receive vertical roll shape pipe blank,and then let pipe blank entering into vertical roll pass.With continuous deformation, the difference between diagonal line of rhombus pass will be reduced to zero,finally changed into a square.


We have studied the variational pattern of track geometrical form due to wheel/rail forces under the quasi-static for operating of rolling stock, and also have studied the actions on elastic displacements of constraint rail due to the thickness and stiffness of track pad.


Under the direction of the paper; the effect of the so-called superdirective, refers to the paper balance water in the vertical and horizontal is inconsistent, lateral expansion rate is far better than vertical expansion rate, as a result, the lateral expansion deformation of the paper than vertical.


In the 2A1 distorted trigonal bipyramid structure ,the single non equivalent Ga atom has the population of 4s 4p ,while the two equivalent Ga atoms have the population of 4s 4p .this compares with a Ga population of 4s 4p in the undistorted D3h structure ,hence the jahn-teller distortion causes depletion of the charge density on the 4s orbital of the non-equivalent Ga atom, and enhancement of charge density on the 4s orbital for the two equivalent atoms .an opposite trend is observed for the 4p orbitals of these Ga atoms .the P population for the two equivalent atoms is 3s 3p .the populations of the other 2B1 state with the edge-capped tetrahedral structure are similar with the exception that all three Ga atoms have similar but not identical populations .

在2A1被变形的三角bipyramid结构,唯一非等效Ga原子有4s 4p的人口,而二个等效Ga原子在未变形的D3h结构有4s 4p 。this的人口和4s相比4p的Ga人口,因此jahn出纳畸变在non-equivalent Ga原子的4s轨道导致电荷密度的取尽,并且电荷密度的改进在4s轨道为二个等效原子。an在趋向对面对这些Ga原子4p轨道被观察。the人口为二个等效原子是另一个2B1状态3s 3p 。the人口与边缘加盖的四面体结构是相似的P 除之外全部三个Ga原子有相似,但不相同人口。

This kind of tangential distortion, rubber fabric is like a kind of enterokinesia myofascialcutaneous, the ultimate in Nano-imprint lithography appear on both ends of the interval size of nano-imprint lithography convex hull, with the time, rubberand enterokinesia of largening, resulting in business card printing and membership card product forward control appears on the line of symmetry.


In this project, we have deduced the joint inversion model of geodetic data, seismic data and geological data considering about their weight ratio; presented Bayes-iterative search inversion algorithm which improved on the traditional Bayes algorithm and strengthen the stability of inversion solutions; enriched and developed geodetic joint inversion theory and method of tectonic stress field; joint with geodetic, seismic, geological and geophysical data, we have inverted the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of crustal deformation of active tectonic blocks in North China and the present-day cruatal movement and strain-stress field by FEM, DDA and bi-cubic spline function fit method; especial for the crustal deformation result in some typical areas, we have presented geodynamical interpretation and done some seismic dangerous estimations.


Security analyses of a variant of a new block cipher system based on cellular automata theory are given using two cryptanalytic approaches. The results show that this variant of CAC is very insecure under chosen-plaintext attacks.


Based on the elastic theory of large deflection and by taking into account the variation of the axial force and its effects on bending deformation of the drillstring in vertical section ,the vibration of the drillstring induced by fluctuating weight on bit is described by a parametrically excited system.

基于弹性大变形理论,考虑到轴力沿钻柱轴线的变化及其对钻柱弯曲变形的影响等因素,将受自重作用的铅垂井段钻柱在波动钻压激励下的振动转化为一个参数激励系统,用 Galerkin方法首次得到了描述此系统的 Mathieu方程,并通过将方程的解展成富里叶级数的方法,得到了该振动系统的动力分岔值曲线及其所包围的动力不稳定区。

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