- 与 不变化地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The main factors affecting the soil-structure interface behaviors were found experimentally and theoretically, including: 1 the thickness of the interface that is five to six times the average grain size of the soil; 2 the aeolotropy of interface, which is responsible for anisotropic response of the stress-strain response of the interface; 3 two physical states, including crashing and compression of the soil near the structure surface, which govern the stress-strain response of the interface strongly; 4 two shear deformation components due to sliding and constraint of the structure surface relative to the soil respectively, which forms the deformation of the interface; 5 the volumetric strain due to dilatancy, which is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component. 4. A unified constitutive model of the interface, based on new elasto-plasticity damage theory, was developed. It was confirmed to be effective for the conditions considering monotonic and cyclic shearing, coupling effect of shear and volumetric strains, evolution of physical state, micro-structure aeolotropy of the soil and the resulting aeolotropy of the interface as well as the three normal boundary conditions stated above. 5. 2D and 3D finite element formulations of the present model were derived and incorporated into the FEM codes. They were applied to the evaluation of practical engineering problems with different typical interfaces between soil and structure. The new model was shown to be reasonable and effective.
On the basis of the analysis of the scores, the author makes conclusions about the characteristics of Schubert"s last three piano sonatas as followings: 1 The device of universal development in the movements composed in sonata form and rondo-sonata form is the most distinctive feature in the last three sonatas, which is also decisive in the trend of the whole movement and makes the developments relatively "still". 2 In the device of themes, the method of irregularity is preferred. However, By using extension, abbreviation, repetition and further repetition of periods, Schubert brings those themes to ingenious balance in both architectonics and aesthetics. 3 Chain method is applied in the connection of themes, in which the previous material is taken as basis and then modified together with the variations of new materials. By this way, the theme is continuously developed. 4 The principle of the dominant-subordinate is followed in Schubert"s three-key exposition, and the process of each key is extended.
本文在详尽分析乐谱的基础上,对最后三首奏鸣曲的主要创作特点进行了以下总结: 1、奏鸣曲式和奏鸣回旋曲式乐章中展开的普遍化是最后三首奏鸣曲最为显著的特点,它决定了整个乐章的走向,并使展开部具有相对"静止"的特点; 2、舒伯特的主题写作中更喜欢运用非方整性写法,并通过自身材料的延长、缩减和重复或者更高一级的段落重复使其达到了结构上和审美上的巧妙平衡; 3、舒伯特喜欢用链式的主题贯穿方式,音乐以之前的材料为依据,经过变化后再加入新的材料,用这种方式不间断地发展; 4、舒伯特的三调呈示部遵循从主到属的总体原则,并扩展了调性历程。
Now do we must discuss are not need to change,Should study,How but is you should quickly study,More accurate diastrophism,Only was invariable possibly is changes,Moreover or fast \ initiative diastrophism,Draws a inappropriate analogy,In the past everybody said ten years rub a sword, today we perhaps still needed for ten years to rub a sword,What but is different is we while rubs a sword also to want each hour to make to beat a dog the stick Otherwise, your sword does not have 磨出 to come, the neck on is wiped by yours enemy,Otherwise, the sword 磨出 has come also is the toy The competition is the war,I thought this selected already no need to doubt,The present age, the plagiarism and the surmounting speed nearly already was the speed of light, the people do not even have the time calmly to get down the personal status own achievement.
Officially, this redrawing is done to reflect population changes; unofficially, the new demographic data are used to gerrymander the districts in such a way as to maximise the ruling party's chances of winning again.
The simulation results show that there are many factors to influence the reverberation, each of them has different contribution to the reverberation, and the angles configurations and the characters of interface have main function, and the effect of the change of sound velocity on reverberation can be ignored.
Based on the acquisition –processing-abstraction of data, the structures an quantities of land use/cover change, the change of degree, the land use/cover dynamic degree and the index of the land use/cover dynamic degree were researched and analyzed comprehensibly in two different periodes(1990-1999,1999-2002) and sum up the conclusion.
Change is unpredictable, change is risky, and change is painful, and most immortally, is most of time, as I mentioned during the interview, we do not know what to change, when to change, how to change to minimize loss and maximize gain, and that requires leadership.
A portable photosynthesis system made by PPSYSTEM Ltd. was used to study the photosynthetic properties of 3 cultivarsof Rubus idaeus under the field conditions. The results indicated that the individual leave net photosynthetic rates had 2 peaks during a day,an obvious photosynthetic midday slump was observed in A,there was a significant difference in midday depression among the 3 cultivars;evaporation rates of B and C had 2 peaks during a day,while A had 1 peak,and an obvious midday slump was observed in B and C;Stomatic conductance is the key factor of midday slump;Compared with B and C,A had a higher water using efficiency,which will consume less soil water.
When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.
听力译文(J=詹姆斯P=帕玛拉M=麦尔文) P詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福 62 M那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J绝对正确 M那跟我们说说你的秘密 J嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P对自己不满 J这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M你问了哪些问题 J显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好一些我以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M剩下还有什么 J找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战
When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.
听力译文(J=詹姆斯 P=帕玛拉 M=麦尔文) P 詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J 这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com M 那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J 我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P 大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J 绝对正确 M 那跟我们说说你的秘密 J 嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P 对自己不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都 J 这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M 你问了哪些问题 J 显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P 那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J 嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M 照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J 当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P 毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J 确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M 詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J 我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她一些我认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P 退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J 一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P 那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J 不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M 剩下还有什么 J 找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战 Unit 7 Actions speak 更多请进大家学习网
- 推荐网络例句
But we don't care about Battlegrounds.
Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.
Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.
Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。