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与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It proved that yellow-mutant belongs to the type of absence of chlorophyll; etiolation had relation to the lack of chlorophyll.The biology characteristic of the yellow-mutant cultured in vitro was investigated. The results showed that the mutant behaved etiolation character in different temperature and illumination time condition.


The results showed that high-concentration salt solution restrained significantly sprout rates of these varieties.


Loess Plateau is locate in areas transited from semi-arid and semi-humid areas to arid hungriness area, Because of the influence of war and long-term\'s unreasonable utilization, the ecological environment in this region is poor and serious soil and water loss is heavy. The water and soil conservation ecosystem project of emphasis tributary is implemented by Yellow River Committee from 2000, during several years centralized treatment,Project Construction have got remarkable effect.


However, because of the incomplete market system and the unstability and inadaptability formed during the transforming of the traditional economic system of China, many kinds of financial risks exist during the development of the economy.


In case the equipment, or any part thereof, in such suit is held to constitute an infringement and the use of the said equipment or part is enjoined, the company shall, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, either procure for the Indemnitee the right to continue using the said equipment or part or replace or modify the same with nonperformance or capacity or affect its compatibility wing the hardware or firmware comprising the equipment or the software utilized thereon.


Global convergence strategy is combined to gauss-newton method that performs the virtue of insensitiveness to initial guess in iteration algorism, when applied to nonlinear least square estimation in target location, the algorism can approach the precise guess by iterations with the noise-polluted initial guess.


Suburbs, which is impacted by urbanization , shows a process of dynamic change as an extremely instable region.


Tests of three interior and three edge slab-column connections are studied in this paper. The properties of connections under vertical load and lateral reversed load are analyzed. The load-displacement hysteretic curve, development of crack, energy dissipation capacity and failure mode of slab-column connections are studied.


The results showed that protein content,wet gluten content and sedimentation value for the Tibetan cultivars were significantly lower than those for introductive cultivars.

受低纬度高海拔地势地形和特殊气候条件的影响,当地主栽品种的蛋白质等含量较低[4 ] ,其它品质性状参数也较低,生产出的小麦专用性不强。

While for the one with multi-peaks output, the output linewidth is close to the instinct linewidth of the ring.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
