英语人>网络例句>不受影响的 相关的搜索结果


与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the influence of angle of joint and load, the distributing of displace field exits non-uniformity, and with the increase of joint dip angle the non-uniformity become stronger.


Hence, the first and second generations of anglicized people will still be influenced by their ethnic cultures, thus other people will not be able to see the full anglicize effects on them (In other words, most of the first and second generations of anglicized people will not feel and think that they are being anglicized).


The instructive conclusion was: 1 under the vertical loading, the shear-lag effect was produced badly, more severer under concentrated loading than under uniform loading .2 the longitudinal bending deformation of the beam flange was true of the imitating plane assumption of deformation . 3 the width length ratio was confirmed as the first factor working on the shear-lag effect among all the geometric parameters;4 the shear-lag coefficient of simple-supported box-girder was severer than the continuous box-girder, the shear-lag effect in the inner supported section of continuous beam was much more severer, we need paying more attention for it in designing. 5 the non-liner characteristics of material deformation have littlie influence on shear-lag effect in BGCW. 6 the experiential calculating formulation and calculating diagram for the effective flange width was raised with the only factor of the width-span ratio., but the primary location of axis of bending moments should not be changed while calculating the inertial moment .


The chapter also portions Andre Lefvere\'s concept of poetics into social poetics and personal poetics, in which although the latter is constrained by the former, yet the constraint is relative and they are sometimes identical while sometimes they are not, especially at the specified period of Chinese socio-cultural and historical transformation. The division of the poetical concept does help explain why there exist two kinds of translation strategies in China around the May 4* Movement, and fulfills the translation theory of Polysystem.


So these graduates must be guided by the relevant institution and teachers, analyse the present vocational situations of colleges and universities graduates with a full understanding about the vigorous situations which permeates the market of the employment of manpower. They should receive the correct graduate education taken by the relevant institution and party organization of different levels, avoid being influenced by the improper propaganda in our society and find out the shortcomings and problems of their own. Thus they can bear the correct views about employment and be free form the shackles of ill state of mind. During the course of taking up new occupations they must eliminate the improper psychological influence such as vanity, selfishness, doubt, impetuousness, misgivings, following blindly or depending on others and so on.


First of all, this paper analyzes the problems existing in thermal power equipment procurement, mainly lie in the incomprehensive coverage of indicators, the inoperative of indicators, the unreasonable quantification of indicators and the great subjectivity etc.


In order to avoid the ill infection, the thesis put forward the countermeasures: changing the government's function, improving the mechanism of evaluation about Levy upon ground and housebreaking, the property exchange should exchange the original address'property. The problem of farmer who loses ground is a serious factor that produces inharmonic society. In order to avoid the ill infection, the thesis put forward the countermeasures: the farmer should be guaranteed by the lowest life guarantees, establishment and perfect the system of farmer's endowment insurance and medicare, establishment and perfect the education and the training mechanisms of farmers who have no ground. The problem of housing that the people who have no money or a little money is the other factor that produces inharmonic society. The thesis put forward the principle of the countermeasures: one is there is house for the people who no money or have a little money for house to live; one is that the countermeasures dont affect the marketization of the housing reform. According to the principle,the thesis put forward the approach:improving on the economical-housing policy,extending low-cost house policy,the rental allowance should mainly for money.


By the odd variance analysis to the average of AEMG, MPF and slope of MPF in the preliminary 20 seconds, we find that the falling slopes of MPF of the left multifidus muscle and the right multifidus muscle are remarkably influenced by driving time, not so other muscles.


The results show that the penetration ratio decreases with increase of filtration velocity, the range of the most penetrating particle size is in the range of 0.15~0.20 μm, the effect of aerosol concentration on the filtration efficiency is ignore for monodisperse, the filtration efficiency of each step on multilayer is different from others for polydisperse.

研究结果表明:用玻璃纤维膜过滤清除气溶胶团粒时,对粒径在 0 15~ 0 。2 0 μm之间的团粒较难清除;透过率随流速的增加而增加;单分散气溶胶团粒浓度变化对过滤效率的影响可忽略不计;多级过滤时,各单级过滤效率差异受多分散气溶胶的影响较大。

The results show that the diurnal variation of the solar radiation does not have very large influence on the mean monsoon system in the quasi equilibrium state,the main influences may come from the land sea and the topography distributions.


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
