英语人>网络例句>不受影响的 相关的搜索结果


与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China has always been a disciplined and cultured nation, and if it seemed to old China hands that it was not, it is likely that it was the disturbing influence of western materialism and amorality that corrupted the personality of the Chinese who were in contact with it, and who thus became, in essence, its victims.


Based on the estimation of quantile regression, the empirical results show that the effects of globalization on wage inequality indeed vary in accordance with types of trade partners as well as the conditional distribution of wages.


When temperature arrived to 30℃, no individual went to diapause whether daylength short or long.


Based on NCEP and other observational datasets, a severe heavy rainfall process occurred in the south of china during June 18-19,1998 was investigated. The first diagnostic analyses show that the strong rainfall are produced by vortex, shear line and upper and lower jets, stationary front. The condition of high energy, saturation, potential instability is propitious to the form and maintenance of this rainfall.


With the effects of traditional government system , the turnverein can possess some administrative power in our country .


The results indicated that the effect of deep warm-wet air coming along the behind subtropical high , moving eastward deepening upper trough , shear line and cyclone trough was caused in Zhuanghe , but no strong thunderstorm . The main impact of system is surface cyclone trough ; Low vortex , shear line in 700hPa , 850hPa strengthen the lower convergence , forming a strong momentum of increase and pieces of water vapor ; strong and wide potential pseudo-equivalent temperature frontal zone lied in Zhuanghe area , the establishment of potential instability are indispensable conditions for producing heavy rain .


It is nothing else than impurities prenatally inherent in ore that seriously affect the quality of the latter, which is formed as a result of geological vicissitudes including diastrophic movement, eruption of volcano, sedimentation, glaciation and weathering etc., under the action of which pyrogenic rocks, volcanic complex, aqueous rocks, sedimentary rocks etc., come into being, some of which exist in a stage of symbiosis, the main cause of the absence of pure rocks in nature, wherein lies the reason for the need of separation technology and apparatus, namely, ore-dressing devices and equipment, so far impotent to meet the requirements of metallurgical industry the scientists make every endeavor to elevate to a new high by laser separation.


Since 1970s, the pregnancy of unmarried girl has already become a serious global problem. Though our nation has long been affected by the feudatorial thoughts, with the development of the opening policy and the influence by the westerners' open attitudes toward sex, teenagers' premarital sex and the pregnancy of young girls have become more and more common, and the unsafe abortion has been occurring frequently, making the reproductive health of the teenagers a more and more serious problem.


Further, like most other cases such as gas/liquid membrane contactors, the overall mass transfer coefficients K of this novel membrane contactor in distillation decreased while fiber packing fractions became bigger, which presented a strong relationship between shell mass transfer and fiber packing fraction.


Ovulation Test Strips by the operator and other factors, and measured does not mean that you do not see ovulation, corpus luteum will be less than such a phenomenon.


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
