英语人>网络例句>不受影响的 相关的搜索结果


与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many enterprises are not comprehensive to this question understanding, understand not profound or some, on the one hand the factor influence, did to the enterprise inventory valuation method has not cut the enterprise actual choice, thus to enterprise's inventory management, the financial situation and the management performance had the disadvantageous influence.


But many enterprises, because is not comprehensive to this question understanding, understands not profoundly, or some, on the one hand the factor influence, did to the enterprise inventory valuation method has not suited the enterprise actual choice, thus to enterprise's inventory management, the financial situation and the management performance had the adverse effect.


Influenced by tectonic movement, there were no sediments in the area from Oligocene to Miocene. Appearance of marlite in the Pliocene, especially in Yaqueling region, proved localized depositing environment forming, for which there had only few amount of terrigenous matters to supply. Sedimentary facies association of alluvial fan, fan delta and inland lake appeared at the early and middle stage of lower Pleistocene, and association of fan delta and inland lake appeared at the later stage of lower Pleistocene and the early stage of middle Pleistocene. Net-veined laterite appeared at the top of lacustrine deposit, which reflected pedogenesis taking place after the end of deposition. Such evolution history proves that there had no lager river system traversing this area before the early stage of middle Pleistocene.


Once the sparger installed in the CMT, the fluid temperature above the sparger and the initial pressure of pressurizer are the key factor, which affect the condensation characteristic and temperature equilibrium time.


The average removal efficiency of TP and COD was 28.76% and 8% after cloth media filter without coagulation, and TP removal was influenced by the influent water quality. However, precoagulation with coagulants of ferric chloride, PAFC, PAC, the average removal efficiency of TP was 63.58%, 60.13% and 66.94% respectively, and no influence of TP removal can be found by the influent water quality. The average removal efficiency of COD was of 17.7%,26.3% and 27.7%,SS was 70.7%,64.3% and 49.1%.


Unfortunately,the numerating model used in such method is quite different from the actual instance,,and the constraints are too simple,the effects of the side load,elastic modular of the stone body of the foundation and the compatible structural deformation are not involved in. Due to the asymmetry of the spatial load,it is quite different between the analysis results and the test data.


After that this article promulgates the root of differences between impoverished and non-impoverished students.


Where the buyer refuses to accept the object or rescinds the contract, the seller shall bear the risk of damage to or missing of the object.

第一 百四十九条标的物毁损,灭失的风险由买受人承担的,不影响因出卖人履行债务不符合约定,买受人要求其承担违约责任的权利。

This was then used to propose two hypotheses:(1) Disregard hypothesis-the subject is not affected by the color temperature cues and color constancy performance is constant;(2) Expectation hypothesis-indicates that the subject is influenced by the color temperature cues so over-estimates or under-estimates color constancy performance.


For the structure stress condition, the dead load is born mainly by continuous rigid-frame, and the live load is born by both the arch rib and the main beam, the force separately bora by the arch rib and the main beam is influenced by the whole rigidity of beam and arch, and by areas of flexible hanger rod, the structure perforce is no longer same with the common beam and arch, and the inner force analysis progress is more complex to the common bridge system, especially, the multi-direction stress analysis to the combination area of pier、 arch and beam is very difficult, for such reasons, so it is very necessary and important to have stress performance analysis in the combination area of pier、 arch and beam.


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For has anyone said to God,'I have borne chastisement; I will not offend anymore

伯34:31 有谁对神说、我受了责罚、不再犯罪。

Events which handle the second half of a split-phase operation begun in a command should have names that are related to the commands.


From April to October 2003, a total of 40 patients aged 58 to 86 years (mean: 69.3 yr) were randomized into two comparable groups; one underwent bipolar TURP and the other received monopolar TURP. Pre-operative and post-operative serum sodium concentration, hemoglobin level, resection time, blood loss and weight of specimen were evaluated.

方怯 从2003年4月至10月,总共收集40位良性摄护腺的病患,以随机的方式接受双极电刀(22位)及单极电刀(18位)的治疗,分析两组的手术时间、刮除的病理重量、流血量、术前及术后的钠离子变化与术后6个月及1年的I-PSS、Qmax的比较。