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In addition, to the extent the Waiver is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free, non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work in all territories worldwide, for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "License").


The pore capacity is becoming smaller with increasingthe vitrinite content. 2. Micro-porosity is dominated in the total pore capacity, which takes more than50%. There is not relationship among pore capacity and specific surface with otherfactors such as Maceral and R0, which shows that the distribution and shapes of poreare not influenced by the composition of the coal. 3. The pore is opened for the coal of Ordos Basin, the order is from durain to clarainthen samples to vitrain. Others are belong to half-opened and thin throat. 4. The adsorption content of gas is increasing with the higher pressure, and the freegas content is decreasing;The adsorption content of gas is decreasing with thehigher temp, and the free gas content is increasing;The adsorption content of gas isincreasing with higher vitrinite content for the kennel coal when temp.

总空隙主要由小孔孔容构成,小孔孔容占了50%以上;镜质组含量和惰性组含量等物质以及镜煤反射率均与孔容、比表面未表现出明显的相关性,说明孔隙分布特征不受物质组成的影响 3、鄂尔多斯地区的空隙呈现开放状态为主,空隙开放的次序为暗煤-亮煤-煤样-镜煤,其他盆地则为半封闭和细瓶颈空隙 4、随压力增加,煤对气体的吸附量增加,煤中所含游离气的量随之减小;随温度增加,煤对气体的吸附量减小,而煤中所含游离气的量随之增加;在相同的温压条件下,同是长焰煤的样品,吸附量在孔容中所占的比例随镜质组含量增加而增加。

The results show that the compound conductive fiber has typical structure of sheath-core consists of black greened polyaniline electric conductive deposition as the skin and the white polypropylene matrix fiber as the core, which makes the compound fiber preferable physical mechanical property. The intensity and the elongation ratio of the electric conductive fiber are decreased but the thermal stability is enhanced after modified. The compound fiber has the good acid resistance but poor base resistance. The thermal stability of the compound fiber prepared by 4-methyl-benzene sulfonic acid is better than that prepared by hydrochloride acid. Moreover, the compound fiber can be re-doped by other organic or inorganic acid after freed from the adsorbed acid. Furthermore, the electric conductivity of the compound fiber decreases with the temperature increasing but hardly changed with the humidity. The adsorptive ability and therefore the content of the polyaniline, the constant of electric conduction, and the durability of the compound fiber can be enhanced by thinning the diameter, section heteromorphosis, section heteromorphosis and plasma treatment of the surface or blending with COPET of the fiber.


The main results of the study are obtained as follows:1 In order to analyze and study the physical and mechanical characteristics of Lianyungang marine soft clay deeply, large numbers of basic mechanical characteristics tests and tri-axial shear tests are completed.2 In order to investigate the loaded and failure characteristics of the cement-soil, the cement-soils for the different ratio and different cure time are studied in the laboratory, and their unconfined compression tests and tri-axial shear tests are performed.3 Based on the solution of one-dimension consolidation, the one-dimension consolidation of the double-layered foundation is solved for two-grade loading in virtue of transcendental equation; Simultaneously, the one-dimension consolidation of the double-layered foundation is solved by means of Laplace transform for two-grade loading, and Stehfest numerical transform is applied in Laplace's inverse transformation; Furthermore, according to the practical foundation shapes, the consolidation models of the soil between piles and the substratum are built and solved respectively.4 The effect of each parameters on the consolidation of the double-layered foundation is discussed, and the solution of load transfer method for double-layered foundation is applied in A1-A4 section of Lian-Xu expressway. The results of calculating settlement of the double-layered consolidation theory are basic agreement with the measuring settlement results.


Now, however, expectations for media have moved toward the bob-around model. And, as our simplified example illustrates, valuations must change dramatically when expectations are revised. We have a significant investment in media - both through our direct ownership of Buffalo News and our shareholdings in The Washington Post Company and Capital Cities/ABC - and the intrinsic value of this investment has declined materially because of the secular transformation that the industry is experiencing. Cyclical factors have also hurt our current look-through earnings, but these factors do not reduce intrinsic value.

我们在媒体事业有相当大的投资,不管是百分之百拥有的水牛城日报或是在华盛顿邮报与资本城/ABC 的股票投资,而这些媒体事业的价值因为前面所提到的产业所面临的形态转变而大幅滑落,(景气循环因素也使得我们现在的透视盈余大受影响,虽然还不致于让实质价值减少),然而就像是我们经营伯克希尔的企业原则所揭示的,我们不会只是因为还有其它更有利的资金用途,就随便将已被列为永恒的事业或主要投资出售,(当然之前我们也确实卖了一些媒体股,不过规模相对较小)。

The fictional man on the Arab street has all the features of Arendt's mass man: an outcast from modernity, deprived of access to political and economic goods in his own society, adrift in a secularizing world, utterly credulous of preposterous and impractical doctrines.


The technique made full use of the characteristic of PR controller which can realize zero steady-state error in AC input signal in stationary frame. In the method, the active and reactive current component in the vector control strategy were transformed in the stationary frame to achieve the objective of keeping the DC-link voltage constant, adjusting the power factor and decoupling the active and reactive power. Compared with conventional double close-loop proportional integral controller, the PR technique is better in harmonic compensation without the complex rotating frame transformation and the couple or feedback voltage which is easily influenced by temperature and circuit parameters. The control algorithm is easy to be realized while the robustness and power quality is improved.


The five indexs contained stature,height of sitting,weight,circumference of chest and circumference of head. Then it derived the indexs of stature /circumference of chest,the body mass index,Verveak index. C...


Innovation self-dominance is in fact the procedure of creation, dispersion and application of IPRs self-dominance, and so is the most important way to obtain them.


In order to minimize erratic burning of the sample, the electrodes are pre-burned for one minute and then loaded with a mixture of equal weight of the ore sample and carbon powder.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
