英语人>网络例句>不受影响的 相关的搜索结果


与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results revealed that the large side insulation of the stator bar in slot is available for ultrasonic pulse-echo testing; Coupling transducer on the surface of a practical stator bar could minimize the influence on the measurements of velocity, contributing no destructivity of the ultrasonic testing for stator insulation; The simultaneity of same velocity and higher attenuation can be used to detect insulation delamination from conductors; Compared with the wide sides of the bars in slot, the short sides of the bars near the exit from slot and the end bars had a same velocity and a higher attenuation; The velocity might be exactly measured on the shot sides of the bars near the exit from slot and the end bars, while the attenuation might not, which were examined though filed tests; V min decreased greatly and V av decreased slightly with the service time of the bars.

在实验室对线棒多种结构处的主绝缘和不同运行年数(未老化、16、18 和23年)线棒的主绝缘进行了低频超声反射法检测试验,并进行了现场试验,发现(参见 Hao et al, IEEE DEI, to be published),槽部线棒的宽面绝缘不受换位绝缘的影响,比窄面绝缘更适合超声测量;线棒表面平滑的半导体层减小了耦合剂对超声测量的影响,实现了无损性;波速不变而声衰减减小可以检测线棒出现绝缘与导体脱壳缺陷;出槽口和端部线棒的窄面绝缘与槽部线棒的宽面绝缘相比,声衰减大而波速一致;现场试验验证了波速不受绝缘结构和现场测试条件的影响,而声衰减受以上因素影响很大(参见 Hao et al,中国电机工程学报, Vol.23 No.4); V min 随运行年数明显减小, V av 随运行年数慢慢越小。

Only if educators construct and create the actual education, the educatees can select something from it. The future education mainly depends on what educational choice the educators make presently. It means, the actual education is not the foreordination, but is decided by the educators'constructing and creating.


Hence, we first analyzed and studied the kinematics and dynamics of PDC bit, and that are utilized to analyzed how to hame cutters by PDC bit whirlpool. Onthe based of this, we do the cutting experiments. With the test, we not only think over the influence to force actting on cutters in rock nature, drilling parameter, cuttersdensity distributed, and also wear state of cutters and PDC bit appearance. Because the PDC bit's cutters are repeaded by polycrystalline-diamand and tungsten carbide, the specific property of PDC wear are not alike that of polycrystalline-diamand and not alike tungsten carbide.


After ultra high pressure treatment, limonene concentration was decreased greatly while myrcene and α-pinene concentrations were not changed significantly and the concentration of limonene was decreased by 75% after high pressure treatment of 500 MPa for 15 min,α-terpineol and carvone concentrations were increased significantly. The aldehydes concentrations were retained well. The ester concentrations were changed under high pressure treatment, but generally their concentrations were not changed remarkably.

通过定量检测分析发现:超高压处理对橙汁中的柠檬烯成分影响很显著,经500 MPa的压力处理15 min后其含量下降了75%,而月桂烯和α-蒎烯受高压影响较小;α-松油醇、香芹酮含量经高压处理后迅速增加;醛类特征香气成分基本不受高压影响;酯类成分在高压下会发生变化,但总体变化不显著。

Dicey 的著名论述中所说的,议会主权" means neither more nor less than this, namely, that Parliament … has, under the English constitution, the right to make or unmake any law whatever; and, further, that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament ".

不成文宪法的另一个主要影响是缺少司法审查:因为没有成文的具有"更高等级"的宪法,所以法院无法使用宪法来针对普通法案。虽然议会通常接受并认为受宪法的限制,但并未正式地受限。由于可以修改与解释宪法,所以议会——议会中的大多数——是实际上的最终的主权机构。在 A。

The main fatty acid from longissimus, kidney and tailhead fat obtained from each carcass were measured by gas chromatography technology.


Everyone is on their own ways, in a sudden understanding of myself, in a sudden understanding my ideal, I insisted on a turn, and I firmly believe that after the mud would be the blue sea,but there was distruped emotion overwhelmed, I just want to try to forgive, as far as possible, I just want to forget , as far as possible, and then naturally to make myself, but today I am really in so bad situation, I have no reason to happy, no way ,anything is on no way, To see a movie or eating and drinking out of the consumption to eacape from the unrational mind ,can I?


It is found that the function relationship is affected by initial enrichment, cooling time and burnup range. The function relationship is also affected by irradiation history while the cooling time is shorter than 2 a.

发现幂函数关系中的系数受初始富集度、冷却时间、燃耗范围的影响;如果冷却时间大于2 a,这个关系不受辐照历史的影响;如果冷却时间小于2 a,这个关系受辐照历史的影响。

Following, a experiment has been carried out, the incident waves with a frequency band of 200kHz-3 50kHz are used to the experiment, and a series of peak value-time curves are drawn each 10kHz, corresponding time are found through fitting peak value, thus the position of the defect is calculated accurately. The application of awl-shaped sensor head in the heat change water pipe experiment indicates that the ultrasonic guided waves may transmit nearly 50 meters in the pipe, which is not influenced by the elbows and makes it possible to test defects in long distance and large-scale. The water-load pipe experiment indicates that the displace and energy maybe leakage at the near-surface, which is significant for the further research.


There aren't any pipe joints of integral valve, therefore it's not subject to pipe or bolt influence, pressure case will not be subject to "mutation" of pressure.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
