英语人>网络例句>不受影响的 相关的搜索结果


与 不受影响的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The key objective of the country's 25-year-old exception culturelle is ensuring that French-language music, film and other cultural products are not dominated by English-language imports. And a law passed in 1994 requires that French translations accompany any foreign phrases in state documents, business contracts and even advertising.


Among them a main reason is, the biggest to China travel searchs engine " where to go to " be based on bank of American the East China Sea to rank tertiary tradition with online travel company cooperates together, undertake Chinese market develops this kind of pattern jointly, we think to still need more sufficient proof, in order to ensure " where to go to " in China the high speed of online travel industry grows insusceptible.


If attack is aimed at IP, want you to be on lead plane of a physics only, what atttack without giving thought to is you which IP, bear so actually those who atttack discharge is same a net card, handling those who atttack a request is same a CPU, same a memory, to fictitious lead plane, the resource of physical lead plane can be eroded certainly, how the likelihood is insusceptible.


Methinks I see these different followers of Homer, some sweating and straining after him by violent leaps and bounds (the certain signs of false mettle), others slowly and servilely creeping in his train, while the poet himself is all the time proceeding with an unaffected and equal majesty before them.


No one could ever say of him that he was either a sophist or a home-bred flippant slave or a pedant; but every one acknowledged him to be a man ripe, perfect, above flattery, able to manage his own and other men's affairs.


The soil under grassed elleyways had higher NH4+,and K,but lower NO3- than the soil under herbicide strip,with exception that the soil in the layer of 0~10 cm under herbicide strip had higher content of K.

施肥增加土壤速效N的含量。土壤NO3-的季节性变化表明5至6月份土壤中NO3-的含量高,而花前和7月份土壤中NO3-含量低。P、K在清耕带10 cm以下土壤的含量低于生草地土壤,但在0~10cm土层中K的含量高于生草地。P的含量不受影响。

The result indicates that the intracortical synaptic input was unchanged, but the thalamocortical synaptic input was depressed by sensory stimulation and this depression recovered with a time course that matched that of the recovery of sensory responsiveness.


Carbowax of matrical suppository can dissolve in water and various organic solvents, having superior lubricity and thermostability, having no toxicity and stimulation. The electrolysis has no influence on it dissolved in water. As a excipient , it has a protection to the interferon albumen.


Patients in later series had neither risk factors for osteonecrosis nor osteonecrosis at other extraskeletal sites; instead osteoporosis and significant cardiovascular morbidity/atherosclerosis was found in most of the patients.6,19,21 Other findings suggesting an ischemic etiology in these patients is absent enhancement on MRI of the affected vertebrae,7,15,20 "ischemic bone" noted intraoperatively,14 and vertebral body biopsies demonstrating reactive bone/fibrosis and occasionally osteonecrosis and hyalinized marrow.


Recent studies provide important new insights into the nature and severity of these cerebral complications that help to explain why some patients with diabetes have clinically relevant neurocognitive morbidity, whereas most are apparently unaffected.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
