英语人>网络例句>不发音的 相关的搜索结果


与 不发音的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to avoid using the formant transitions of each phoneme as the training parameters, we propose a procedure to select the steady-state formant features for each phoneme. 2. Accent analysis for Mandarin Chinese based on formant frequencies is presented in this paper.


Ladies and gentlemen,today i want to talk about the differences between english and chinese.english is very different form chinese.the sounds are different .the grammar is different.and the writing is totally diffenent.it is very difficult to speak english well.if you want to speak english well.you must forget about the differences.just practise corract sentences until you are used to them .the more sentences you can blout out.the better you can express yourself.if you believe in yourself and practise crazily every day .you'll make it .you'll conquer english .chinese is the most difficult language in the world .if you can speak chinese,you can speak english.


The most attractive phenomenon we put forward as our hypothesis, is that JPL utilize FO to realize Chinese feature besides VOT, that's to say, low FO corresponds to unaspirated consonants and high FO corresponds to aspirated consonants when Chinese unaspirated and aspirated opposition is substituted by Japanese voiced and voiceless opposition.


But if one waited till after college, no matter how good of an English training he or she received, there would still be hosts of language difficulties, such as unfixable accent and culture shock.


A study examined the perception and production of 10 English monophthongs, 8 diphthongs and 4 consonants by Chinese college students, who have studied English as a foreign language for about ten years.


Like persons 'name, shops' name is not only a symbol, but also a power to effect their business for different meaning, different grapheme and different typeface.


For example, homophones can have different pitches of low and- high resulting in a slightly differently sounding of the word even if it is written with the same sounds.


Ol Ximenez Vargas," she begins, spinning a fascinating yarn of 1960 New York involving a Greek Orthodox priest particularly friendly with dancers, a Lebanese-Greek nightclub owner with a heavy accent, the long standing phonetic confusion between ballet and belly, and the need for a job --"to eat.

ol Ximenez Vargas 里的Flamenco 舞蹈员,&他开始叙述1960年纽约的迷人故事,有关一位与舞蹈员非常友好,又有着重口音的黎巴嫩-希腊夜总会老板,一位传统希腊教士,一份工作,该工作长期被人在&ballet芭蕾&和&belly肚皮&的发音上混淆不清,属于急需&填饱肚子类型。

From pigeon English (1859), the reduced form of the language used in China for communication with Europeans, from pigeon (1826), itself a pidgin word, representing a Chinese pronunciation of business.


Because of differences in Chinese language and English language, like pronunciation, tone, vocabulary and grammar, and differences in social cultures of the two languages, like value outlook, customs, non-cooperation occurs at times in the cross-cultural communication, esp.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
