英语人>网络例句>不包括... 相关的搜索结果


与 不包括... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the event of loss of time due to (1)deficiency of men or stores;(2)breakdowm or damage to hull, machinery or equipment;(3)detention by average accidents to ship or cargo including collision and stranding;(4)repairs, drydocking or other necessary measures to maintain the efficiency of the Vessel;(5)failure to possess or carry on board valid certificates, and/or other Vessel's documentation for the cargo service, including valid Panama and Suez Canal admeasurement certificaters;(6)strikes, refusal to sail, breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the Master, Offieers or Crew;(7)detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against, or breach of regulations by the Owners, Master, Officers or Crew (unless brought about by the negligent act or omission of Charterers);(8) stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the Owners;(9)deviation, putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purpose mentioned in this~Clause or for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured ship's personnel;(10)those agreed as offhire as elsewhere provided herein or any other causes either hindering or preventing the efficient working of the Vessel, or rendering the Vessel unavailable for the Charterers' service, hire to cease form commencement of such loss of time until the Vessel is again in an efficient state to resume her service from a position not less favourable to Charterers than that at which such loss of time commenced.


This is due to Washington's slavish adherence to the absurd notion that financial institutions can be 'too big to fail,' be they called Fannie Mae, AIG or Citicorp.


In the event of indebtedness of Customer to SNC ??for reasons including but not limited to and outlined above, SNC ??shall have the right to sell, pledge, rehypothecate, assign, invest, commingle and otherwise use any Collateral it holds (including, but not limited to, using the Contracts as collateral for a loan to SNC ?) free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC ?, its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

Include Baidu, we are not each enterprise is cast very well and truly, but comparatively, I still think this domain inside in broadband and wireless domain inside can have a lot of a lot of opportunities, actually this also is the feeling of commonsensible sex, myself feels computer is already enough and powerful, but I did not feel the mobile phone is enough and powerful, I also did not feel bandwidth is in the home high to me inside online whats can do the broadband, the edge includes video here, also include to be in wireless when, you are not done in on the road a lot of things, the meeting side here has a lot of a lot of opportunities to come out.


The main environment geological question is: The earth"s crust where the faultage and earthquake are active is unstable; collapse , landslide, mud-rock flow and soil erosion ; The underground karst subsides, seepage question; Basic rock expand, expend and compress soil body, the salt deposit corrode out of shape and groundwater"s corrodent harm; The soft soil question of basin; The soft rock body, cracked rock and the weathering rock are relatively poor stability; High and cold regional highways and railways" frozen soils freeze and melt calamity problem; The around rock of tunnel are unstable because of the coal seam gas, spring water, underground developed area; Project cutting slopes, constructed abandon soil and reservoir, lake"s ecology geological environmental protection issue; Thedangerous shoal of the channel % submerged reef question; The problem of rebuilding channel project and dock etc.; And the problem of unstable ground and groundwater corrosivity during building airport; At the same time, with the international big pathways" implementation and completions of constructions, adjusting the cities and counties" constructions , the crowd occupy changing , the cultivated land distribute changing and the adjustments of structure, will cause local environmental geological issues outstanding; According to multiple statistical analysis , value calculate and integrated appraise result, in the northwest and southwest of Yunnan, the traffic relatively low density, traffic engineering is relatively weak impact on environment, It is the area where a environme


I worked in central London, my territory stretching out to include all the hospitals, pharmacies, and surgeries from Harley Street to Enfield—no small distance, particularly when looking at the concentration of such establishments in that area.


For a loan to SNC free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC , its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

The result shows that the requirements and testing methods for flammability of building materials are similar between the United State and Canada, and they mainly are engaged in the test of combustibility and flame spread. In European Union, a new classification system for flammability of building materials was implemented in 2001, which includes two systems; one is for floor coverings and the other for all other building units. In Japan, the interior materials are classified into non-combustible, quasi noncombustible and fire-retardant materials according to Cone Calorimeter method (ISO 5660). China has established a non-combustible test, a three-class classification system for combustible wall and ceiling interior finishing materials and a two-class classification system for combustible floor coverings.

通过研究认为:美国和加拿大对建筑材料燃烧性能的要求和试验方法基本相似,他们主要针对材料的燃烧性、火焰传播进行检测;欧盟于2001年颁布了新的燃烧性分级体系,该分级体系包括专门针对铺地材料部分和针对其他所有建筑构件材料和产品部门;日本采用锥形量热计法(ISO 5660)将内装饰材料分为不燃、准不燃和阻燃材料3个等级;我国对建筑材料的试验方法包括不燃性试验方法、墙和天花板内装饰材料的三级分级体系和铺地材料两级分级体系。

The content of the parental rights and minor children's rights of privacy has all aimed to the private life of minor children's study and entertainment, which has created the condition of the conflicts between the two parties. Neither the law of our country has detailed stipulated for the content of parental rights, nor stipulated restrictedly to minor children's rights of privacy. The legitimate right is the basis to realize the right and ensure the right is legal. Because of the unperfected law, both two parties haven't got a clear confine in using their rights. So it also becomes one important reason of the conflict. In the past, parents use their guardianship as the hegemony which including some long-history autocratic tradition. It is the cultural factor of disregarding and excluding the individual privacy. With the development of democracy and legal system, citizen including minor children have realized their rights to privacy which has also become one reason to raise the right conflict.


Study limitations include small sample size, exclusion of several potentially eligible children because of medication-related drowsiness or refusal to participate, limited ability to generalize the results, and testing of some children more than once resulting in a learning effect or decreased pain due to healing. Older children found the game too simple and therefore not as distracting as the younger children reported it to be. Because the VR equipment was not waterproofed, pain responses could not be determined through an entire dressing change, including during wound debridement in the bathroom.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
