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与 不包括... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Include the price of embr,bue no price of lace-i sent the lace to be sourced-also needs stain covered buttons-also pls price with charmeuse sleeveless tank


Variations 52.3 Exceeding 15 Percent If, on the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the whole of the Works, it is found that as a result of: all varied work valued under Sub-Clause 52.1 and 52.2, and all adjustments upon measurement of the estimated quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities, excluding Provisional Sums, daywork and adjustments of price made under Clause 70, But not from any other cause, there have been additions to or deductions from the Contract Price which taken together are in excess of 15 per cent of the "Effective Contract Price"(which for the purposes of this Sub-Clause shall mean the Contract Price excluding Provisional Sums, and allowance for dayworks, if any) then and in such event (subject to Any action already taken under any other Sub-Clause of this Clause), after due consultation by the Engineer with the Employer and the Contractor, there shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Price such further further sum as may be agreed between the Contractor and the Engineer or, failing agreement, determined by the Engineer having regard to the Contractor's Site and general overhead costs of the Contract.

如果在签发整个工程接收证书时,发现由于: 47 超过百分之 52.3 十五(15%)的变更所有按第52.1款和52.2款规定作价的全部变更工程;对工程量清单中开列的估算数量进行计量所做的全部调整费用,但不包括所有暂定金额,计日工作费用及按本文第 70 条规定所作的价格调整。而并非由于任何其他原因,当加到或从合同价中减去的金额总和超过了有效合同价格就本款而言,应指不包括暂定金额和计日工(如有的话的合同价的 15%时,那么,工程师应在与承包人和业主协商后,在考虑据本款采取的任何步骤后,再将合同价减少或增加一笔工程师与承包人协商的调整金额,若不能达成一致意见,则由工程师考虑承包人的现场管理费用及总管理费开文后确定此数额。

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Google shall not be liable for any payment based on: any amounts which result from invalid queries, invalid Referral Events, or invalid clicks or impressions on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated program or similar device, as reasonably determined by Google, including without limitation through any clicks or impressions originating from Your IP addresses or computers under Your control, solicited by payment of money, false representation, or request for end users to click on Ads, or solicited by payment of money, false representation, or any illegal or otherwise invalid request for end users to complete Referral Events; Ads or Referral Buttons delivered to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; Ads benefiting charitable organizations and other placeholder or transparent Ads that Google may deliver; Google advertisements for its own products and/or services (excluding payments based on completed Referral Events); or clicks co-mingled with a significant number of invalid clicks described in above, or as a result of any breach of this Agreement by You for any applicable pay period.

尽管有上述规定,但是 Google 不负责支付与以下各项有关的费用:由任何人、漫游器、自动化程序或类似设备(根据 Google 的合理判断)对任何广告产生的无效查询、无效推介活动或无效点击或展示所带来的收入额(包括,但不限于通过以下任何点击或展示:源自您的 IP 地址或您所控制的计算机,通过金钱支付、冒名代表或申请所请求的最终用户在广告上的点击,或通过金钱支付、冒名代表、非法或无效申请所请求的最终用户完成的推介活动);向其浏览器已禁用 JavaScript 的最终用户投放的广告或推介按钮;为慈善机构提供的广告以及 Google 投放的其他替代广告或透明广告;为自己的产品和/或服务所投放的 Google 广告(不包括与已完成的推介活动有关的费用);在任何适用支付期内,与中所说明的大量无效点击次数相混的点击次数,或任何其他有违本协议的行为所产生的点击次数。

Note that in addition to the assessment fee, a manual lodgement fee of $100 or an electronic lodgement fee of $16 also applies.

稍微便宜但是不够舒适的寄存处是16 澳元,相当于105人民币。因此,按照1个小时算最少花:398+105=593人民币。这个价钱不包括在中国的体检费用,也不包括去AQIS的体检费用。

Advantages include thermal stability, non-wetting and elimination of inclusions from shot.· Roll Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, non-wetting, and contain no shot.· Block Caster Tip- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength and do not outgas.· Belt Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength, non-wetting, and do not outgas.


The coat may be tidied to present a neat outline characteristic of a rough-and-ready working terrier.


It is worth noting that, for the first time to buy housing in the market means that goods purchased housing (including second-hand housing), does not include the enjoyment of the Government to provide preferential policies to the construction of housing reform rooms, demolition resettlement housing, economic affordable housing, protection of real estate, financing and implementation of the overseas Chinese houses HA HA, such as housing policy, nor does it include inheritance, the recipient, exchange, and other self-acquired property; has been transferred, has been out, has withdrawn buyers also Excluding.


5 Premiums. A sum not exceeding the actual premiums of all interests insured for a period not exceeding 12 months (exceeding premiums insured under the foregoing sections but including, if required, the premium or estimated calls on any Club or War etc. Risk insurance) reducing pro rata monthly.

20.1.5 保险费。其金额不能超过逐月比例减少的任何保险利益投保不超过12个月的实际保险费(不包括上述各项所保的保险费,经要求可以包括任何保赔协会或战争等风险的保险费或估计的追加保险费)。

Premiums A sum no exceeding the actual premiums of all interests insured for a period not exceeding 12 months (excluding premiums insured under the foregoing sections but including, if required, the premium or estimated calls on any Club or War etc Risk insurance) reducing pro rata monthly


The insurer is liable also for the partial losses of the insured goods due to the risks caused by natural calamities mentioned under F.P. A insurance.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
