英语人>网络例句>不动的 相关的搜索结果


与 不动的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the simulation of the impact of outrunner blocks in debris flow and counter structures, the structure is simplified as a still plane and the block is simulated by a particle with a certain velocity. So the impact force can be expressed by a simple function.


Cilia are tiny hair-like structures on the outside of cells that either help move fluid over a stationary cell, such as the cells in your lungs, or serve as a means of propelling a cell through water, as in the single-celled paramecium.

纤毛是细胞外面细小的、形状像毛发似的组织,它可以帮助液体流过一个不动的细胞,例如肺的细胞,或是推动在水中的细胞,例如单细胞草履虫( single-celled paramecium )。

The rest was a lake of obscurity, foggy, heavy, and funereal, above which, in motionless and melancholy outlines, rose the tower of Saint-Jacques, the church of Saint-Merry, and two or three more of those grand edifices of which man makes giants and the night makes phantoms.


Most of our health problems are caused by our sedentary lifestyles.


The women can't lift them, so they form a human chain to drag them, one by one, into the distribution site. Weariness is expected - but the bags mustn't burst.


His knowledge of languages, the respect shown him by the French, the good-nature with which he gave away anything he was asked for (he received the allowance of three roubles a week, given to officers among the prisoners), the strength he showed in driving nails into the wall, the gentleness of his behaviour to his companions, and his capacity—which seemed to him mysterious—of sitting stockstill doing nothing and plunged in thought, all made him seem to the soldiers a rather mysterious creature of a higher order. The very peculiarities that in the society he had previously lived in had been a source of embarrassment, if not of annoyance—his strength, his disdain for the comforts of life, his absent-mindedness, his good-nature—here among these men gave him the prestige almost of a hero.


They modified an 8HP stationary gas engine for use with petrol as a fuel and fitted it to a four wheeled hunting-brake.


In the book it said:"Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."


But in the end, when playing the quadruplets in rapid succession, the hand is fairly stationary; you will also have to add hand motions, etc.,-- more on these topics later.


Allowed Dampier to claim that he's the best center in the Western Conference when the truth is that he's only the third best center in the series.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
