英语人>网络例句>不以...为意 相关的搜索结果


与 不以...为意 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel...


"Cosmopolitism" was quoted from "Chapter of Cosmopolitism" in The Book of Rites, retrieving meaning from it, and to accentuate a kind of compassionate and discord world, to animate more denotations in Cosmopolitism:"Obvious" and "Concealment" and "Homosexuality" The discussion is focused on gay people and lesbian and bisexuality are not included.


She could make nothing of him, his eyes veiled.


Yet the cut of the mouth is stoic, not toylike, and the light-and-shadow coloring conveys the ambiguity of being neither white nor black but both, like sunshine falling through a forest—a camouflage therefore reverberant of grief, since the forests are mostly gone.


Prof. Ye ,based on ways of traditional literature criticism and western symbolics ,analyzes the poem criticism means of imagination represented by Zhang Huiyan and Wang Guowei of Qing Dynasty .


CANON IV.-If any one saith, that man's free will moved and excited by God, by assenting to God exciting and calling, nowise co-operates towards disposing and preparing itself for obtaining the grace of Justification; that it cannot refuse its consent, if it would, but that, as something inanimate, it does nothing whatever and is merely passive; let him be anathema.

典章四 谁若说,人之自由意志,受到天主的感动和激励之后,对那激励他,呼召他的天主,不能以&同意&来予以合作准备自己,以获得成义的恩宠,而且,即使他意,他也不能不予以同意;那时人,好像一个无灵之物,完全无所为,干脆地,自处于被动的状态中,那么,这种人,应予以绝罚。

A ruling by the Commission, using its plenary power,(1) that a work is to be deemed, for nomenclatural purposes, as unpublished, or that names and acts in it are not available; or (2) that an available name is never to be used as valid because it is available only for the purpose of homonymy ("partial suppression") or it is not available for the purposes of priority and homonymy ("total suppression"; but a totally suppressed species-group name may still denote the type species of a nominal genus or subgenus [Art. 81.2.1]); or (3) that an available name is only to be used as valid under stated conditions (e.g. when not considered a synonym of a particular later name)("conditional suppression").


This paper therefore examines the development of "the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city" through literature review depth-interview oral history and participant observation The concept frame is culture organism as the vertical axle and elements of a folklore activity as the transverse axle There are several significant findings about the general picture of this subject: During the late period of Japanese colonial era Tainan local people who played Peguan music learned Peking opera aria and tried to bring Peking opera aria into the folklore Pai-Chang which was one kind performance and traditional custom of Peguan music Some people who came from other places and played Peking opera aria had also known or learned "Pai-Chang" with touching Tainan local amateurs "Pai-Chang" used to be performed by amateurs for worship of god or goddess or for seasoning and wedding celebration without rewards Amateurs volunteered to perform "Pai-Chang" only for their duty temples and fraternity of Peking opera aria The majority of the audience is people who perform or like "Pai-Chang" or who live nearby There is a fixed pattern of the performance including the repertoire and the arrangement of the band The main meaning of this performace is to pray God's blessings therefore the procedure of "Ban-Hsian" is the most essential and ahead of Peking opera aria singing With time goes by the number of the amateurs has dropped; yet the demand for the worship ceremony remains; hence some of the amateurs have been trained to become professional performers Besides although the idea and the meaning of "Pai-Chang" remains the pattern of the performance has become simplified and rigid which is because of the performers' number decreasing and market adapting Nowadays the whole ecosystem of the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city keep changing which is mainly influenced by the transition of the society(such as the time and space of the industrial and commercial society being compressed and most people's pursuing of specialization and utilitarianism etc ) According to the findings in this paper the phenomenon can be regarded as the subject matter both of Peking opera and folklore studies For the studies of the Taiwanese culture however the subject not only enriches the subject matters of the Taiwanese culture(signifies the localization of Peking opera and a new pattern of Taiwanese folklore) but also reflects the characters of diversification integration adaptation and compromise of Taiwanese culture which used to be influenced by different regimes and the historical contexts Facing such a multicultural context this paper thus suggests researchers should show an open-minded attitude toward the complex of the Taiwanese culture studies and then important phenomenon would not be ignored or misunderstood


Yet the cut of the mouth is stoic, not toylike, and the light-and-shadow coloring conveys the ambiguity of being neither white nor black but both, like sunshine falling through a forest—a camouflage therefore reverberant of grief, since the forests are mostly gone.


If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day, And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, And honor it, desisting from your own ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word

赛58:13 你若在安息日掉转〔或作谨慎〕你的脚步、在我圣日不以操作为喜乐、称安息日为可喜乐的、称耶和华的圣日为可尊重的。而且尊敬这日、不办自己的私事、不随自己的私意、不说自己的私话

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
