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与 下降的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under field continuous drought stress, growth rate, branches of stolon, leaf lengthobviously declined, nevertheless, leaf water content increased and MDA content decreasedsignificantly during field water deficit. SOD activity of the four turf grasses increased at thebeginning of water deficit and then decreased with drought stress. POD activity ofAugustinegrass increased rapidly and then kept stable with water deficit, however, PODactivity of Centipedegrass changed indistinctively.


As temperature rose,turbidity of protein solution increased by s-shape curve and climbed quickly at 48 ℃; Viscosity decreased by inverse s-shape curve and greatly declined at 46 ℃; Ca2+-ATPase activity decreased gradually with a slight increase from 36 to 42 ℃ and reduced to blank at 46 ℃; Total sulfhydryl group...


Methods Perfusion weighted imaging was performed in 45 cases of cerebral infarction. The sidetoside ratios of regional cerebral blood flow,regional cerebral blood volume and mean transit time were measured at duty lesion of ischemia. The hypoperfused cerebral areas and the stages of ischemia were defined as follows:compensation stage: rCBF was normal, rCBVwas increased, MTT was prolonged;decompensation stage: rCBF was slightly decreased, rCBV was normal or decreased, MTT was prolonged;preinfarction stage: rCBF and rCBV were decreased,MTT was prolonged.

利用磁共振灌注成像技术(perfusion weighted imaging,PWI)对45例缺血性脑血管病患者的责任病灶进行局部脑血流量,局部脑血容量,平均通过时间比值测定,确定低灌注脑区的影像学特点和缺血分期:代偿期(rCBF保持正常,rCBV升高,MTT延长);失代偿期(rCBF轻度下降,rCBV正常或下降,MTT延长);梗死前期:(rCBF下降,rCBV下降,MTT延长)。

PV sales at 0.83mn units,+37% YoY ; CV sales at 0.32mn units,+1.4% YoY . 2 Q109 saw 19 major auto makers revenue -14.2% YoY and profit -48.4% YoY . 3 CAAM raised 2009 sales forecast of domestic cars to 10.2mn cars,+8% YoY , vs.+5% YoY made at 2009 year beginning. 4 CAAM said that China will inevitably see 2009 car exports down YoY . 4M09 export volume -61% YoY (Apr -63% YoY ).


Blinded biopsies were evaluated by a histopathologist and scored according to Knodells histology activity index. Results 53.5%(54/101), 51.5%(52/101) and 31.7%(32/101) patients had a reduction of their total hepatic HAI score, necroinflammation and fibrosis scores by ≥2 points or 1 points at the end of one year of lamivudine therapy, compared with their pretreatment values, respectively.

结果 治疗后53.5%(54/101)患者肝组织学改善(治疗后HAI积分下降≥2),HAI积分由治疗前的8.0±4.7下降至治疗后5.2±3.3(t=7.358,P.01);其中51.5%(52/101)患者坏死炎症程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥2),坏死炎症积分由5.9±3.8下降至3.6±2.5;31.7%(32/101)患者纤维化程度改善(治疗后积分下降≥1),纤维化积分由2.1±1.2下降至1.6±1.2(t=3.827,P.01。

The experimental results suggested that there were some rules during the fermentation as follows: pit temperature increased rapidly and then dropped at the beginning of the fermentation and kept stable eventually at 20~22 ℃; there was slight change in yellow water pH value at first and then pH value decreased gradually in middle fermentation stage and finally kept stable; the change rules of total acids of yellow water were opposite to pH change rules; the reducing sugar of yellow water increased at first and then dropped and kept stable eventually; there was almost no change in alcohol content of yellow water in prior fermentation period, and then it increased rapidly and dropped slowly and finally kept stable; gas production rate was as high as 550 L/d within the first week in fermentation and then dropped undulatingly and changed to zero or even negative gas production rate.

窖池温度在发酵前几天迅速升高,然后下降,最后趋于稳定,保持在20~22 ℃;黄水pH开始变化不大,中间逐渐下降,最后趋于稳定;黄水的总酸变化与pH相反;黄水中还原糖先升高后下降,最后基本保持稳定;黄水中酒精含量在发酵前期变化不大,后期先是迅速升高,然后缓慢下降,最后趋于稳定;在发酵前期一周内,产气量很大,最高达550 L/d;之后产气量呈波动式下降并逐渐平稳,最后趋于零甚至负产气量。

There's something happening here What it is ain't exactly clear There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down There's battle lines being drawn Nobody's right if everybody's wrong Young people speaking their minds Getting so much resistance from behind I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down What a field-day for the heat A thousand people in the street Singing songs and carrying signs Mostly say, hooray for our side It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line, the man come and take you away We better stop, hey, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down Stop, hey, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down Stop, now, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down Stop, children, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down


When the self-etched adhesives (Contax, Clearfil TRI-S Bond) were used for the surface treatment of sclerotic dentin, the results of thermal circlings showed that, for Contax, 5,000 times thermal circlings did not weakened the bond strength, while the bond strength after 10,000 times thermal circlings significantly lower than that before circling; for Clearfil TRI-S Bond, 5,000 times thermal circlings significantly weakened the bond strength, while 10,000 times thermal circlings weakened it further.

选择自酸蚀系统粘接剂Contax和Clearfil TRI-S Bond粘接非龋性硬化牙本质,分别测量冷热循环0次,5000次及10000次时的微拉伸粘接强度,结果显示:Contax粘接剂冷热循环5000次后粘接强度无明显下降,而循环10000次后粘接强度明显下降;Clearfil TRI-S Bond粘接冷热循环5000次后粘接强度明显下降,循环10000次后粘接强度进一步下降。

Mid-thoracic anesthesia or associated with general anesthesia can influence cardiac autonomic nerve tension,with principal manifes tation of decrease reflecting cardiac sympathetic nerve LF value.

结果:E组病人硬膜外麻醉后LF、HF、LF+HF值均较基础值下降P 1后均较T0有所下降,以T3下降明显(P1后均较T0明显下降P1后各时段值均较T0值下降,以T2后明显(P1后各时段值均比A组相同时段值低P结论:中胸段硬膜外麻醉或复合全身麻醉均可影响心脏自主神经的张力,并且主要表现在反映心脏交感神经的LF值降低。

The strengths of the plain wood rose along with the compression ratio, while the bending strength and MOE lowered as it reached the maximum compression ratio; the plain wood compressed (33%) and heated 10h with 180℃. its bending strength lowered 40%, MOE lost about 50% and hardness lowered 12% than heated 0.5h; the properties not to be compressed after impregnated with PF resin. had a slow rising with the resin concentration, and compressed (33%) after impregnated with PF resin (30%). its bending strength, MOE and hardness increased 82.9%, 98% and 152% respectively.

三倍体毛白杨素材压缩后,其静曲强度和抗弯弹性模量均随压缩率的增大而提高,但接近最大压缩率时均下降;素材压缩(压缩率为33%)后以180℃空气加热处理10 h,静曲强度比同温度压缩保温0.5 h时下降约40%,抗弯弹性模量下降近50%,表面硬度下降约12%;用PF树脂浸渍处理后不经压缩,随PF树脂含量增加木材静曲强度提高幅度不大;用30%PF树脂浸渍后,当压缩率为33%时,其静曲强度、抗弯弹性模量和表面硬度分别比未压缩素材增加82.9%,98%和152%。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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