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与 下降了... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But after a brief slump in sales in the third quarter of 2008, Chinese car sales have gone from strength to strength, repeatedly surprising Chinese and foreign carmakers manufacturing in China and leaving dealerships short of vehicles to sell to increasingly large numbers of customers.


Seaweed extract-EClean was applied to treatment for eutrophication water. Quantative detection of nitrogen cycle bacteria showed that seaweed extract could improve the growth of ammonifying bacteria, nitrosobacteria and nitrobacteria in the treated water. There was also an increasing trend in the number of denitrifying bacteria in aerated treatment water, which showed that the seaweed extract could accelerate nitrogen cycle and the release of nitrogen from water.


For each strategy, a corresponding exploitation plan of groundwater was designed. Then each designed exploitation plan (except scheme 3) was put into the model for calculation and simulation. The analysis on the forecasting results every plan indicates that:(1) Shuting down the self-provided wells is the most direct and effective method, playing an important role in the land subsidence prevention.(2) The resumption of compressed soil by groundwater artificial recharge is limited. So the artificial recharge can\'t provide essential effect for the resumption of land subsidence, unless the artificial recharge is much more than the groundwater withdrawal.(3) The method of "adjusting the exploitation stratum of groundwater to the shallow" has an obvious effect on the land subsidence prevention.(4)"Sand wells" can increase the leakage recharge for confined aquifer, and thus can slow and prevent the development of the land subsidence.(5) For the groundwater exploitation in Xi\'an, emergency self-provided wells should be managed according to the well spacing of 1600m, 2000m and 1600m, respectively, in the river terrace area, alluvial-proluvial fan area and loess tableland area to exploit the first confined groundwater. Corresponding individual well yield can be set as 2500m~3/d, 1500 m~3/d and 200 m~3/d. Make emergency self-provided wells pump in the dry year and stop pumping groundwater to restore and conserve underground water sources in average years and wet years. In this way, groundwater withdrawal of 162000m~3/d can be obtained to provide for the supplement of water supply in Xi\'an. As a result, the water supply stress can be released in dry years. The groundwater depression formed in the exploiting year can resume in 3-4 years. At the same time, this exploitation manner will not lead to obvious land subsidence.

本文利用所建的模型预测了现状开采条件下未来20年的地下水位和地面沉降的变化,在此基础上,提出了防治西安市地面沉降的五个地下水开采方案,利用所建的地面沉降模型对各个设计方案其进行了模拟和预报,对预测结果的分析表明:①封停自备井是防治地面沉降最为直接和最有效的对策,对防治地面沉降起着最为积极的作用;②采用人工回灌方法使被压缩的土层得到的恢复是非常有限的,对地面沉降不能起到根治作用,只有回灌量明显大于开采量时才能有一定的效果;③&调整开采层次,在浅层取水&对防治地面沉降的效果十分明显;④布设&砂井&可以增加对承压含水层的越流补给量,从而可以有效地缓解和控制地面沉降的发生和发展;⑤对西安市的地下水开采,可在河流阶地区、冲洪积扇区和黄土塬区分别采用1600m、2000m、1600m的井间距布置应急自备井,分别采用2500m~3/d、1500 m~3/d和200 m~3/d的单井开采量,开采第一承压水,在平水年或者丰水年不开采,涵养地下水源,在枯水年启动这些应急自备井开采,在输出分析范围内共可获得162000 m~3/d(5913万m~3/a)开采量,可以有效地补充西安市的供水水源,缓解供水紧张局面,开采年开采导致的下降的水位可在停采3~4年后得到基本恢复,同时,这种开采方式不会造成大的地面沉降量。

In view of abnormality of about 200 ℃ temperature drop in the bottom of the sintering box during pressure sintering (after argon charged into the furnace) with imported pressure sintering furnace,analysis is made of the cause of the fault,and technical upgrading option is given together with a serials of specific measures.


RESULTS: Following three approaches of lumbar interbody fusion, the stability of lumbar spine was significantly reduced, which was enhanced after bilateral pedicle screw fixation (torsion indexes were also increased). In addition, rigidity of the lumbar spine was enhanced.


Owner Chen Hou-hua believes that the current economic crisis is already feeling the impact of a number of factories in southern Jiangsu closed or reduced production, and some construction sites slowed down the progress of the works, especially the iron and steel enterprises along the river, sea Jin Jiang ore decline in demand, the impact of the transport business.


The non-isothermal decomposition kinetics of nylon 1010 and nylon 1010/POSS composites in nitrogen were investigated. POSS significantly increased the activation energy but had little effect on the reaction order.(5) Exploring research was carried out on the reaction between EVM and nylon 1010. The reaction between EVM and TsOH during melt mixing was also invesigated, and related reaction mechanisms were studied in terms of NMR, TGA-FTIR and etc.


A State Department spokesman said Friday Vietnam has released prisoners, reopened churches and banned forced renunciations of faith, and that incidences of harassment and abuse are down significantly.


In this tale, the goddess Inanna, who gains knowledge of sex by descending to earth and eating from various plants and fruits, transplants the huluppu tree from the Euphrates to her own garden, but a wicked serpent made its nest amongst the roots of the tree.


In the experiment of measuring the basic electric charge by using Millikan method,the selection of oil drop should satisfy the principles of which fall time is within 20 minutes and charged amounts of oil drop are less than five.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
