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Deficiency of selenium in chicken decreases immunity of erythrocyte and the regulation of erythrocyte to the specific immunity, which includes the decrease of the phagocytic ability of phagocyte, the eliminating ability of circulatory immune complex, the ability of identifying organism, carrying antigen and the immune regulation effects in the activation course of T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, NK cell alexin, which decreases immunity of organism.


After two to three days of usage, the diuretic effects of this drug decline because of increased downstream reabsorption of ions and water by the renal tubules; however, the alkalinization of urine persists, and this basic urine attracts weak acids such as uric acid and cystine into the urine, thus increasing their urinary excretion.


The reason the default produced is analyzed and a new latest available unscheduled channel with smallest void algorithm is presented. The performance of the two algorithms is simulated. The results show that in LAUC-SV algorithm the effective window of the packet loss versus unit delay time of fiber delay lines is expanded significantly and the packet loss ratio is decreased about 100.5. The algorithm complexity of the LAUC-SV is only increased arithmetically with LAUC. Both the algorithms can not support delay reservation protocol effectively.


In August,there are obvious changes among different treatments under soil water stressconditions. Vs, and Vs/Va obviously raised while Va reduced, and tissue water contentalso changed. Comparing with that in July, water content of leaves in differenttreatments in August decreased by 18.06%, 2.57%, 4.82% and 9.94%, respectively.In August and September, diurnal average Tr under different treatments (light,medium, heavy and no soil water stress conditions ) are 80.90 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、76.37mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、65.46 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、42.11 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1) and 40.60mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、33.92 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、30.44 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、23.29 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1),respectively. It shows that the Tr of Atriplex canescens leaves takes a tendency ofdeclining under long-term soil water stress conditions.

随着土壤水分胁迫时间延长到8月份,各处理间相比发生了显著变化,其中Vs、Vs/Va显著升高,Va的降低,而组织含水量也发生了显著的变化;8月份各处理间(无土壤水分胁迫、轻度土壤水分胁迫、中度土壤水分胁迫和重度水分胁迫)与7月份相比叶片含水量分别降低了18.06%、2.57%、4.82%、9.94%;在8月份和9月份轻度土壤水分胁迫、中度土壤水分胁迫、重度土壤水分胁迫和无土壤水分胁迫的Tr的日均值分别为80.90 molh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、76.37mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、65.46 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、42.11 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)和40.60 molh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、33.92 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、30.44 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1)、23.29 mmolh_2Om~(-2)s~(-1),说明四翅滨藜在长期的土壤水分胁迫胁迫下叶片的蒸腾速率呈现出下降的趋势。

In this thesis, it is also discussed in detail that OLPF which is based upon the light-splitting character of birefringent crystal can reduce aliasing in a digitized image.Optical system is a space-filter by Fourier Optics.


During 23 days in storage, compared with the control, both the two low temperature treatments reduced the blackheart severity, lowered the fruit mass loss, elevated contents of Vitamin C and titratable acids, and delayed the decrease of total soluble solids content, with the storage at (8±1)℃ resulting in better effects.

与常温贮藏相比,在23 d贮藏期内,2种低温贮藏均显著降低了菠萝黑心病的发病程度,减少了菠萝果实的质量损失,提高了菠萝果实的维生素C和可滴定酸含量,延缓菠萝果实的可溶性固形物含量的下降。

With the invention and widespread of the art of printing,the document quantity began to increase,cost reduced and forms unified in bookmaking.


The results of absorption spectra of chloroplasts showed that NO alleviated the effects of Cd on absorption spectra of chloroplast by raising the relative absorbance at 436 nm,480 nm and 470 nm,which caused lower contents of carotinoid and chlorophyll.

结果发现,Cd对叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量都有不同程度的降低,NO处理缓解了Cd的影响,使叶绿体室温吸收光谱的吸收率提高;Cd导致686 nm处峰偏移4 nm,峰值降低33%,734 nm处峰值降低23%,外源NO缓解了Cd对光合系统的影响,使得叶绿体低温荧光光谱在686和734 nm的峰值分别仅下降17%和10%;以DCPIP为人工电子受体, Cd处理的叶绿体中DCPIP还原速率较慢,光合电子传递(H2O→DCPIP)速率降低1.5倍,外源NO处理显著缓解了Cd对电子传递链的抑制,使其光合电子传递速率恢复到对照的水平。

Because chronic obstructive inflammation of airway severely influences the ventilation and exchange function of COPD patients, The motor ability of patients is limited .Despnoea and fatigue limit patients to sedentary,because of this, skeletal muscle began to analosis,oxygen uptaking capacity of skeletal muscle descends,and concentration of chondriosome degrades.Function limitation of skeletal muscle causes oxygen needs increase,so vicious cycle emerges,and further to restrict patient's respiratory and motor function.


More levels of nano-SiO〓 lead to larger particle size. An increase in polymerization reaction temperature causes the decrease in coagulum and increase in viscosity and particle size, and the nano-SiO〓 has same effects at certain temperature. When the levels of hydrophilic monomer acrylic acid and hydroxylethyl methacrylate in core composite are increased, the particle size of emulsifier-free emulsion decreases, in spite of the presence of nano-SiO〓.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
