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与 下降了... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic is introduced and the method of traffic integration is given. Second, the upstream channel capacity of the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic that has the same rate is analyzed. The chronoff limit and Gaussian approximate equation of the upstream channel cutoff probability are derived. Third, the impact of the selection of the line transmission rate on the upstream channel capacity of the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic is discussed in detail. The cutoff probability and throughout equations of the upstream channel with different integrated traffic are derived. Fourth, the impact of the power control error on the capacity is discussed. Results show that the power control error will degrade the upstream channel capacity and have different influence on the different traffic. Finally, the capacity requirement of the initialization process is raised. Analytical results show that the initialization process will impact on the capacity slightly.


There's a good reason we soak in hot rather than cool water when we want to relax: After the body adjusts to the shock of the heat, the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure goes down—sometimes way down, which is why hot tubbers are advised not to soak for more than 15 minutes.


A fund company executives call the Post reporters, said that if the markets remain unchanged, according to the New Deal, once the stock to resume trading of listed companies, up by the decline in influence only on the day down 10%, but prior to the Fund by the net Has been estimated valuation of the stock fell 50 percent, the listed companies resume trading on that day even if the limit, Shanghai China will also fund up net.


Soybean oil balance sheet on substantial increases in soybean oil usage in biodiesel production and a hike in 2006-07 exports that reduced 2006-07 ending stocks to 1.17 million tonnes and 2007-08 ending stocks to 787,000 tonnes.


The friction plate produces friction damping on the rope wheel under the influences of centrifugal force. The gear speed change helps the rope wheel produce balanced damping torgue when people descend.


Determination of photosynthetic pigments used 80% of acetone extraction method directly and the photosynthetic characteristics of using Li-6400 portable photosynthesis detector. Results showed that Returning the right amount maize straw stem into field was able to significantly restraint this year winter wheat flag leaf Chla degradation, to raise the flag leaf Chla/Chlb in the watery metaphase and late stage, to effectively restraint the photosynthesis rate decrease in the watery stage, to increase the pertinence of photosynthesis rate and pigment compared to others. However returning more maize straw stem into field was able to accelerate the retrogradation of chlorophyll and photosynthesis rate decrease then the yield declined.

结果表明:适量的玉米秸秆还田(9 000 kg/hm^2)可显著抑制接茬冬小麦灌浆中后期旗叶Chla降解,提高小麦灌浆中后期旗叶Chla/Chlb的比值,有效抑制灌浆期旗叶光合速率的下降,与其他处理相比,其光合速率与叶绿素的相关性得到加强;过量的秸秆还田(15 000 kg/hm^2),加速了光合色素的降解,使得光合速率下降,产量降低;在各处理中,处理Ⅱ(9 000 kg/hm^2)产量最高。

But amid signs that Hello Kitty's pop-culture appeal is waning, especially at home, where sales have shrunk for a decade, the company has struggled to find its next-generation version of adorable.

但是Hello Kitty的受欢迎程度已经出现了下降的迹象,特别是在日本本土,10年来销量下降,使得公司必须着力于寻找新的流行卡通形象。

Second, wetland landscape pattern dynamic change of Kenli County Take TM as the information source, according to studies the region wetland ecosystem present situation characteristic, wetland is divided into 10 kinds: irrigation paddy field, pit pond water surface, cultivation water surface, artificial ditch, reservoir water surface, salt field, rivers water surface, reed, shallow seas and tidelands, beach. The wetland landscape area is remarkable dropt from 1987 to 2004.In 1987 the wetland area occupied 14.10% of Kenli county, but only was 12.33% in 2004, it reduced 6155.12 hm2 in 17 years and average reduced 362.07 hm2 every year, the reduction scope of shallow seas and tidelands wetland is biggest 3894.78 hm2. The shallow seas and tidelands and reed are frequent transformation with other type.

2查清了研究区湿地景观格局动态变化规律以TM影像为信息源,根据研究区域湿地生态系统现状特征,把垦利县湿地分为10类;湿地景观面积在研究时段内呈显著下降趋势,1987年湿地面积占整个研究区总面积的14.10%,但到2004年只占12.33%,17年共减少6155.12 hm2,平均每年减少362.07 hm2,其中滩涂湿地面积减少幅度最大3894.78 hm2;从各湿地类型之间的转换来看,各种湿地景观之间、湿地和非湿地之间相互转化和逆转并存,滩涂和苇地与其他地类转换频繁;研究区湿地景观斑块数量增多,景观多样性指数1987年为1.7643,2004年下降到1.7105,均匀度指数由1987年的0.6873上升到2004年的0.6923。

The financial crisis also led to other production costs come down, the coal from 1,200 yuan / ton down to 700 yuan, overseas freight from 150 yuan / ton fell more than 40 U.S.


The results of the surface composition of the sample washed with and without aqueous ammonia show that most of the impurities which consists of C, B, O elenents mainly can be removed by washing with aqueous ammonia.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
