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This eliminates the problem of S/N ratio degrading as the modulating frequency rises, but now results in a rolling off of the audio response if a "flat" FM signal is received.


The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.


Today, van den Bergh, the shares of the three quarterly disclosure revealed that the company achieve the July-September attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 13.57 million yuan, representing a 96.1 percent decline in the same period last year, in addition to the impact caused by the earthquake in the asset retirement net profit, the company main products zinc ingots, as well as selling prices caused by a drop in gross profit margins in the third quarter decrease was mainly due to performance.


Analysis of the morphological feature, diversity and abundance of graptolite, brachiopod and radiolariaindicated that the sea-level in the Yangtze basin underwent the change from rising to falling, then to risingagain during the latest Ordovician to the earliest Silurian interval, and the maxium rising episode appeared inthe lower Tangyagraptus typicus Subzone and the maxium falling at the top of the Guanyinqiao bed.

笔石、腕足类、放射虫的形态、分异度和丰度的研究表明:扬子海盆晚奥陶世晚期至志留纪初期,总体上,海平面经历了上升→下降→上升的变化,海平面上升的最大阶段发生在Tangyagraptus typicus亚带下部,到观音桥层顶部,海平面下降到最低点。

Analysis of the morphological feature, diversity and abundance of graptolite, brachiopod and radiolaria indicated that the sea-level in the Yangtze basin underwent the change from rising to falling, then to rising again during the latest Ordovician to the earliest Silurian interval, and the maxium rising episode eppeared in the lower Tangyagraptus typicus Subzone and the maxium falling at the top of the Guanyinqiao bed.

笔石、腕足类、放射虫的形态、分异度和丰度的研究表明:扬子海盆晚奥陶世晚期至志留纪初期,总体上,海平面经历了上升→下降→上升的变化,海平面上升的最大阶段发生在Tangyagraptus typicus亚带下部,到观音桥层顶部,海平面下降到最低点。

However, says Mr Copland, the combined effect of the recession lowering GDP and the rash of new lawsuits, ranging from those against investment banks involved in the financial meltdown to the oil-spill cases, means that when the data are collated for this year and 2009 "the downward trend will almost certainly have been reversed."


The results indicate that these two cysteine residues are directly responsible for DNA binding capacity.


Three preliminary conclusions could be approached as follows:(1) SST changes were distinctively characteristic of stepwise fluctuations. A warming trend during the last deglaciation was punctuated by a slightly cooling event which corresponded to the Younger Dryas. The Holocene episode could be divided into three phases of warming, continuously high temperature and cooling.(2) Two remarkable cooling records were documented around 4 kaBP and 1.5 kaBP after the megathermal of the Holocene.(3) Comparison between time series of MD05-2904 diatom R SST index and stalagmite δ^18O results from Dongge Cave, Guizhou Province suggested that changes in the East Asian Monsoon climate is synchronous with variations in the SST in the northern SCS since the last deglaciation and they might have a close correlation with each other

结果表明:(1)南海北部15 kaBP以来表层海水温度呈现明显的阶段性波动特点,即末次冰消期气候转暖过程中,12.9~11.5 kaBP前后温度略有下降,与新仙女木事件对应,全新世南海北部气候依次经历了升温期、高温期和降温期3个变化阶段;(2)全新世大暖期鼎盛期结束后,南海北部海水温度阶段下降,两次明显降温分别发生于4 kaBP前后和1.5 kaBP前后;(3) MD05-2904孔硅藻R值时间序列曲线与董哥洞D4石笋δ^18O曲线对比表明,南海北部表层海水温度变化与末次冰消期以来东亚季风强度变化关系较为密切。

The introduction of line searches requires the solution of sub-problems must be a dropped direction, that is g T k δ k 0, In this paper, we study the existed methods of solving sub-problems, prove Zhang and Xun 1999's dogleg method and Steihaug 1983's conjugate gradient method to meet the condition of adequate decrease, then the solution can be used in line search.

引入线搜索要求子问题的解必须是下降方向,即g T k δ k 0,本文研究了现存的子问题的求解方法,证明了Zhang和Xun1999折线法、Steihaug1983共轭梯度法满足"充分下降条件",得到的解可以安全实施线搜索。

Based on the analysis of the fluid flow in the downcomer of an airlift internal loop bioreactor , a turbulent two-fluid model for airlift internal loop was proposed.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
