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In the same way, a Four-coloring of a maximal planar graph of 25 order G(subscript M25), is obtained with "simplified method of reduction of order".
利用"简化降阶法"对一个一定拓扑结构的12阶最大平面图G(下标 M12)进行着色,得到G(下标 M12)的四色着色方案;以同样的方法对一个一定拓扑结构的25阶最大平面图G(下标 M25)进行着色,得到了G(下标 M25)的四色着色方案。
The anodic oxidation reactions of borohydride ion involves a novel and complex reaction system of three hydrogen valence states: protide H(superscript --protium H(superscript 0*-proton H(superscript +. Based on cyclic voltammetry and polarization studies, a multi-step mechanism for the oxidation of BH4-on Cu anode in NaOH solution was presented, and a kinetic expression containing the coverages of BH(superscript - subscript 4) and OH-adsorbed on the surface of Cu anode was deduced by the steady state approximation theory.
鉴于BH(上标-下标 4)阳极氧化反应涉及一个复杂的氢负离子H(上标-下标 4)-氢单原子H(上标 0*)-质子H之间价态转化的新颖反应体系,在循环伏安和极化实验研究基础上,提出了NaOH溶液中BH(上标-下标 4)在Cu电极上氧化反应的多步骤机理,导出了包含表面吸附态BH(上标-下标 4, ad)和OH覆盖率θ和θ的电极反应动力学方程。
In this study, sulfate radical concentration from 4 drip water points (PL1, PL2, SH, JG) in the Shihua cave have been monitored for three years, and those from the drip water point was monitored for two years. Drip discharges show three types of response to surface precipitation variations: rapid response, response with associated time-lag and stable. The results show that:(1) SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration in rapid response drip water increases sharply during rain period and has a exponential relationship with drip rate;(2) in the drip water of lag response, SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration has no significant incrcase during rainfall, but they show a increasing trend during a long-term monitoring;(3) SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration at the stable drip site is low and has no obvious change during wet weason.
本文通过对石花洞洞穴4个滴水点(JG, SH, PL1和PL2)硫酸根浓度近3个水文年的分析测定,结果表明:响应降雨快的滴水点滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度升高幅度最明显,且滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度与滴率成指数关系;滞后响应降雨的观测点滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度雨季升高幅度不明显,但在长期观测期间有明显增加的趋势;对降雨没有响应的滴水点,其SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度低且雨季没有明显变化。
The results of the meristic characters about the two species indicate that body length/body depth, body length/head length, head length/snout length and head length/eye diameter exhibited wider ranges compare with the previous recordations.
石鲽的体长L(下标 B8与体高D(下标 Ba之间的关系D=0.3250L+2.3263(r=0.7329);体质量W(下标 Bs,g和体长L(下标 Bs,cm之间的关系W=0.2559(上标 2.1238) L (r=0.8138)。这两种鱼的可量可比性状:体长/体高、体长/头长、头长/吻长和头长/眼径的比值范围比原来研究记载的更加宽泛。
The result shows that the purification efficiencies of ammonia-nitrogen and ortho-phosphate by immobilized algae in a stationary phase are higher than that in an exponential phase; the starvation treatment increases the removing rates of ammonia-nitrogen and ortho-phosphate, cells of Scenedesmus starved for 48 hours can obtain higher NF4(superscript +)-N and PO(superscript 3- subscript 4)-P removal efficiencies than starved for 48, 72, 24 and 0 hours respectively.
结果表明:静止初期藻细胞对NH4-N和PO(上标 3-下标 4)-P去除率比指数末期高,处理5d后,静止初期细胞对NH4-N和PO(上标 3-下标 4)-P的去除率分别为76.7%及91.7%,指数末期细胞氮、磷的去除率分别为75.4%和88.7%;饥饿处理可明显提高藻细胞对NH4-N和PO(上标 3-下标 4)-P的去除效率,藻细胞饥饿时间对NH4-N和PO(上标 3-下标 4)-P去除率的影响大小依次为48h,72h,24h,0h。
Solid acid catalysts such as S2O(superscript 2- subscript 8)/TiO2, S2O(superscript 2- subscript 8)/TiO2-ZrO2, SO(superscript 2- subscript 4)/TiO2-ZrO2, SO(superscript 2- subscript 4)/A12O3-ZrO2 were prepared and their catalyst activities for biodiesel production from stillingia oil were evaluated with the same condition.
通过对S2O(上标 2-下标 8)/TiO2、S2O(上标 2-下标 8)/TiO2-ZrO2、SO(上标 2-下标 4)/TiO2-ZrO2、SO(上标 2-下标 4)/A12O3-ZrO2 4种固体酸催化剂的制备,并在同一条件下比较了它们在乌桕籽油制备生物柴油反应中的催化活性。
PL spectra indicate that the emission bands at 515 and 542 nm correspond to the 2H(subscript 11/2)→4I(subscript 15/2) and 4S(subscript 3/2)→4I(subscript 15/2) transitions of Er(superscript 3+), respectively. In the samples, the cerium dopant exists as Ce(superscript 3+) and Ce(superscript 4+). Ce(superscript 3+) sensitizes Er(superscript 3+) and enhances the luminescence intensity of the doped nanorods remarkably and energy transfer from Ce(superscript 3+)→Er(superscript 3+) was observed.
对发光机理的初步研究表明:发光分别对应于Er(上标 3+)的2H(下标 11/2)→4I(下标 15/2),4S(下标 3/2)→4I(下标 15/2)跃迁,铈离子以Ce(上标 3+)和Ce(上标 4+)两种形式存在于体系中,Ce(上标 3+)对Er(上标 3+)起敏化作用,可以显著增强β-BBO:Er(上标 3+)/Ce(上标 3+)/Ce(上标 4+)纳米棒的发光强度,存在Ce(上标 3+)→Er(上标 3+)的能量传递过程。
The results showed that net photosynthetic rate P(subscript n, transpiration rate T(subscript r, stomatal conductance G(subscript s, intracellular concentration of CO2 C(subscript i, water use efficiency of cultivars and the light saturation point in leaves of 5 cultivars were different and had obvious differences, and the light compensation point was similar. Diurnal change of net photosynthetic rate among cultivars were different, three cultivars showed twin-peaked curve with an obvious midday-depress, others showed single peak curves.
结果表明:不同品种的净光合速率P(下标 n、蒸腾速率T(下标 r、气孔导度G(下标 s、胞间CO2浓度C(下标 i、水分利用率和光饱和点之间的差异明显,各品种的光补偿点均较低;净光合速率的日变化也存在明显的品种间差异,有3个品种呈&中午降低型&的双峰曲线,2个品种呈单峰曲线。
With the tunablity of microwave frequency, the sidebands was thus tunable, providing great convenience for pure rotational spectroscopy.
利用该谱仪观测了CHF3振动基态J=34~33,K=0~15和SO2基态的19(下标 4,16)~18(下标 3,15),38(下标 2,36)~37(下标 3,35)纯转动光谱,并对它们进行了标识。
B using press-volume technique, this paper studied the seasonal changes of water potential at saturated point (Ψ, water potential at turgor loss point (Ψ relative osmotic water content at turgor loss point ROWC(superscript thp, relative water content at turgor loss point RWC(superscript tlp, relative content of apoplastic water, bound water/free water V(subscript a/V, and the difference between (Ψ and (Ψ of Reaurnuria trigyna growing on heavy solonchack, non-salinized soil, and saline soil.
运用压力容积技术,研究了4种盐分生境下长叶红砂饱和含水量时最大渗透势Ψ(上标 sat 下标 s、初始质壁分离时的渗透势Ψ(上标 tlp 下标 s初始质壁分离时渗透水相对含量ROWC(上标 tlp、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量RWC(上标 tlp、质外体水的相对含量、束缚水与自由水的比值V(下标 a/V,以及饱和含水量时最大渗透势与初始质壁分离时的渗透势之差的季节变化。
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