英语人>网络例句>下午的 相关的搜索结果


与 下午的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MIDDLING afternoon on the last day of Avrel, Simon was sunk in the stable's dark hayloft, comfortably adrift in a scratchy yellow sea, only his head above the dusty billows.


When they finally found a winding deer track down the last hummock, the afternoon sun had fallen below the middle of the sky, warm on their necks and bright in their faces, A tepid breeze rifled the leaves but failed to dry the sweat on their brows.


"Curtilage " the days of the move, it is the truest most relaxation ego, need not wear the high-heeled shoes that torments crus, need not hair of Dai Rangshuang eye is acerbity invisible glasses, need not consider the idea of boss elaboratively, always need not smile to greet sb with the person, can spend the time afternoon, patient ground gives him Bao beautiful soup of one handleless cup, next recline is on sofa, the edge drinks Shang Bian to the television alone height is foolish happy, still have happier than this life?


Next, my brief is onefold next simple agenda this afternoon, the begin in the conference piece, we go to Wuhan please east the lake is new and high director of act vigorously of technical development Chen Hua, the 2nd we make a game, the 3rd we kiss the mom in A senior manager Wang Yi is done " long end of many a little makes a mickle is king " the theme makes a speech, the 3rd station is full length, the person that we asked forum rejects natant fish, station feature-length the 3rd link, we can have give 4 honored guests please, to each stationmaster live and develop, the 5th part has a technology piece, the last fortune, we asked La Hai to achieve cast Dr. Liming.


Thrilled to have been privileged under the same spotlight and on the same podium for almost Five times—it is as if once you've set your foot on this field, you've inextricably attached to it: Nonetheless, Five times is enough for me to call it a day and start some reflection over my other aspects of life.

一个下午的比赛又梦幻般地结束了,感觉站在台上的时间不是用秒计的--而是纳秒。尽管有些遗憾地抱回了二等奖,但是比赛过程中的点滴片断还是令我回味无穷,尤其是赛后来自加拿大的提问官问我:&You must have spent some time in Britain, right?& Wow!暗自高兴了一下自己的British Accent 能受到外国教授的认可

The bedroom, at the top of a steep stair that had its own climbing rhythm, was tiny and hot, afternoon sun pounding through the west window, hitting the narrow boy's bed against the wall, an ink-stained desk and wooden chair, a b.b.


The bedroom, at the top of a steep stair that had its own climbing rhythm, was tiny and hot, afternoon sun pounding through the west window, hitting the narrow boy's bed against the wall, an ink-stained desk and wooden chair, a b.b.


The Rajdhani Oil and Oilseeds Exchange is hidden among a cluster of small shops and peopled by men in kurta pyjamas, their hair dyed with henna, reclin ing in the afternoon heat under rusted fans.


The Reds could cut the gap on fourth-placed Tottenham to just two points with a victory over Burnley this afternoon and while the Londoners would still have a game in hand, the Spaniard believes his side can still make a late bid to land the final Champions League place.


From the medium and long-term point of view, investors should pay close attention to the afternoon of the three factors: First, in the second half of the domestic economy can overcome the difficulties in re-turn for the better; Second, the global financial crisis impact on the global economy can minimize; three Is to reduce the size of the non-availability of effective control.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
