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与 下令 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Let them take us in," Wolff ordered.


It was reported as saying that the leader of the cigarmaker's union had ordered all the members to work to rule.


He ordered planeloads of military equipment for Israel to help it survive the Yom Kippur war.


King Acrisius, indismay, ordered mother and child to be boxed up ina chest and set adrift on the sea.


King Acrisius, in dismay, ordered mother and child to be boxed up in a chest, and set adrift on the sea.


The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany. It is located west of the city center at the intersection of Unter den Linden and Ebertstrae, immediately west of the Pariser Platz.

勃兰登堡门(德文:Brandenburger Tor)是位于德国首都柏林的新古典主义风格建筑,由普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉二世下令于1788年至1791年间建造,以纪念普鲁士在七年战争取得的胜利。

Calixtus II was no despot ordering submission to novelties now decreed, but the victorious leader of the episcopate, and the representative of other leaders now departed, thanks to whose intelligence and fortitude the episcopate everywhere had been liberated from the thrall of tyrants indeed, its dignity restored and its spiritual prestige renewed.


Several on-duty militant officers in Dhaka told us that many within the Bangladesh arm are very upset about the appraoch government has taken to quell the uprise and over 140 of their colleagues who has been killed duing the unrest .they claimed that government should have ordered the arm to crackdown the Rifles border guards who have stirred up the uprise.and they are every angry about government's initial amnesty to the rebels,though it later corrected that the goverment would punish those who have cause casuality severely .


But his Fans were even more crazier including those I knew as a Medias who were supporting Leon as a friend, actually there have many medias showed undue favor to some particular artists, even medias who always called themselves very conscionable, their boss have given out a order that could not have any relationship with those interviewrs, they still over-helping some particular artists at this moment and said something badly to step and teasing on those artists that they did not interested, there have not have any problems with the mentality of Fans, but the most important was please do not tried to keep on ice with malevolent.


And that's why Israel is demanding that Hamas be disarmed.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
