英语人>网络例句>上甲板 相关的搜索结果


与 上甲板 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They sit atop the large pipe which traverses the Boat Deck, and are connected to it with a Plastruct T-fitting.


Steel deck is the ship beam, the hull divided into upper, middle, lower ...


Spectators nearly fall on the floor when the deck turns BLANK.


This is his wife thought of this evening also eat fish ovary, I was thinking about here, he started beating heart pounded, he began to pay careful attention has been asleep in his wife's movement, that dare not neglect,过了好久, his Suddenly his wife to climb up from the bed and went outside, he轻呼the name of his wife, but she had no response, he quickly followed quietly, he found his wife, machinery and avoid the path of skillful barriers around the deck, her eyes light fantastic, the ship reached the edge of her eyes looked at the sea, mouth exclaimed: more wonderful Ah!

怪鱼? 这是他又想起今天晚上妻子也吃了鱼卵巢,想到这儿,他的心开始怦怦直跳,他开始仔细注意已睡熟的妻子的动静,一点都不敢疏忽,过了好久,他的妻子突然从床上爬了起来,并向门外走去,他轻呼妻子的名字,但她却毫无反应,他赶紧悄悄地紧跟其后,他发现妻子机械而又灵巧的躲开道路上的障碍,向甲板走去,她的眼睛闪着奇异的光芒,她走到船舷边上,眼睛看着大海,嘴里嚷着:多美妙阿!

A deck officer on a merchant ship ranking below the master.


Add in realistic voice acting, and you're about to get emotionally attached toa whole platoon of charactersEvery object on the battlefield is destructible - and once it's destroyed, it stays destroyedIn addition to the rich 1-player storyline, Pathway to Glory features the kind of multiplayer options that N-Gage was made for: go against another player using the same game deck with the Hot Seat option, or connect via Bluetooth technology and go head-to-head.

在现实的声音演戏方面增加,而且你正要拿个性的整个排给在情绪上附上的 toa在战场上的每个物体是可破坏的-而且一经资讯科技被破坏,它停留破坏发现你站着哪里:钮扣的推给你一个概览,如此你能很快地恢复一种不稳定的情形控制除了富有的 1个运动员的剧情之外,通往光荣的道路以可多人玩的选项类型为特色 N-规格被有益:去对抗和困境选项一起使用相同的游戏甲板的另外一个运动员,否则经由 Bluetooth 技术连接而且去头-到-头。

Next to but not touching the lion,members of a Christian motorcycle gang (the gang is called Banditos for Jesus and has nineteen members but only three are on the deck of the boat) wearing their colors which differ from tne colors of other gangs in that the badges,insignia,and so on have Christian messages,"Jesus is LORD"and the like.the bikers are thick-shouldered,gold earrings ,chains,beards,red bandannas,a sweetness expressed in the tilt of their bodies toward the little girl wearing shiny steel leg braces who stands among them and smiles_they have chosen her as their "old lady" and are collecting money for her education.


Then a sudden passion would seize him, and he would stamp upon the deck, crying out that she was a rickety old craft, and that her owners were swindlers to advertise her as the fast-sailing Argus.


That success is truly a testament to the hard work and professionalism of all of the 5,000 Sailors on board, from the aircraft directors on the flight deck to the helmsmen steering the ship and from the maintainers keeping our aircraft flying to the culinary specialists preparing our food in our galleys.


She was thinking of the big ship,of the Lascars passing silently to and fro 往,去,回 on it,of the children playing about on the hot deck ,and of some young officer's wives,who used to try to make she talk to them and laught at the things she said.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
