英语人>网络例句>三分之一 相关的搜索结果


与 三分之一 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A pension program that started in the 1990s covers only about 10 percent of the rural labor force, the World Bank says. Participants dropped by a third between 1999 and 2004, a setback Mr. Zeng, the demographer, attributed to the government's shortsightedness and an assumption that families would take care of rural elderly — although he noted that official attitudes were changing.


Even though most of Hawaii's land consists of lava rock, agriculture contributes one-third to the state's economy.


If you work, pay taxes, and makeless than $200,000, you'll get a tax cut. If you make more than$250,000, you'll still pay taxes at a lower rate than in the 1990s --and capital gains and dividend taxes one-third lower than they wereunder President Reagan.


Of the total forecast investment, a third is earmarked for Brazil, which is an amount,"likely to increase," according to Marques Gon?


He told me, he could not tell exactly, to what Degree the Plantation was improv'd; but this he knew, that my Partner was grown exceeding Rich upon the enjoying but one half of it; and that to the best of his Remembrance, he had heard, that the King's Third of my Part, which was it seems granted away to some other Monastery, or Religious House, amounted to above two hundred Moidores a Year; that as to my being restor'd to a quiet Possession of it, there was no question to be made of that, my Partner being alive to witness my Title, and my Name being also enrolled in the Register of the Country; also he told me, That the Survivors of my two Trustees, were very fair honest People, and very Wealthy; and he believ'd I would not only have their Assistance for putting me in Possession, but would find a very considerable Sum of Money in their Hands, for my Account; being the Produce of the Farm while their Fathers held the Trust, and before it was given up as above, which as he remember'd, was for about twelve Years.


All its land mollusks, 90 percent of its 30 reptile species and a third of its 900 plant species are found nowhere else.

其所有的土地软体动物, 90 %的30种爬行动物和三分之一的900个植物物种,是其他地方已经绝迹。

With us in England, till modern times, a man could only dispose of one third of his moveables from his wife and children: and, in general, no will was permitted of lands till the reign of Henry the eighth; and then only of a certain portion: for it was not till after the restoration that the power of devising real property became so universal as at present.

在我们英格兰,直到现代,一个人仅仅能够随意处置留给他妻子和孩子的动产的三分之一:并且一般的,不允许随意处置土地的情况一直到亨瑞八世才废止;之后也只能处置一部分土地:因为直到查理二世恢复原有秩序之后遗赠真实财产(real property:不动产,包括土地及居所。

Villas have been completed and the completion of the third quarter of townhouses also, Lu is still building.


The artist said,"Then you've lost one-third of your life."


It is also very important because it is 120 months or one-third of a circle.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
